我在编译 .net reactor 并启动我的设置项目时使用 .net reactor 进行代码保护
ERROR: Unable to update the dependencies of the project. The dependencies for the object 'PHMateLib.DLL' cannot be determined.
ERROR: Unable to update the dependencies of the project. The dependencies for the object 'PHInstallerLib.dll' cannot be determined.
ERROR: Unable to update the dependencies of the project. The dependencies for the object 'PHMateLogRetriever.DLL' cannot be determined.
ERROR: Unable to update the dependencies of the project. The dependencies for the object 'PHMateProperties.DLL' cannot be determined.
ERROR: Unable to update the dependencies of the project. The dependencies for the object 'PHMateService.EXE' cannot be determined.
ERROR: Unable to update the dependencies of the project. The dependencies for the object 'ProHance.FileHandler.DLL' cannot be determined.
ERROR: Unable to update the dependencies of the project. The dependencies for the object 'PHMateMoniterServices.DLL' cannot be determined.