I'm integrating with Authorize.net's ARB API. Authorize.net processes their transactions at a certain time everyday, so when people create a subscription, their transaction is not real time.

I am creating a subscription based model, does their API tell me whether their CC has been processed? Or should I put a delay on the access to my site until they have processed all the ARB transactions that day.

Thanks in advance!


1 回答 1


您应该通过AIM API收取他们的第一笔订阅费用。这将为您提供有关付款是否良好的即时反馈。假设它成功了,那么您可以使用 ARB 通过将开始日期设置为他们下一次预定付款的日期来创建他们的订阅。


  • 如果卡片坏了,您会立即知道,并且可以让用户在他们仍在您的网站上时提供一张新卡片。一旦他们离开您的网站,就很难让他们回来纠正它。

  • 您可以让他们即时访问,而不必担心他们的卡是否被批准。

仅供参考,您可以使用Silent Post来确定通过 ARB 进行的付款状态。

于 2011-05-24T17:53:28.453 回答