我正在使用嵌入式系统将数据从 25 个传感器发送到我计算机上的腻子终端。效果很好。
我想将终端功能的读取添加到嵌入式系统(这样我就可以发送命令)。所以我尝试使用 getchar() 来读取我在 putty 终端上写的任何内容。首先,我只想获取字符并将字符打印回腻子上。它有点工作,但我的传感器数据应该每 500 毫秒打印一次,直到我在腻子中输入一个字符后才会打印。就好像我的代码卡在 getchar() 上并卡在 while 循环中,直到 getchar() 读取到一些东西。
这是我的 int main() 中的永远循环。我不会分享其余的,因为它并不是真正需要并且太笨重(它只是初始化模块)。在这个循环中,我正在读取一个传感器,尝试从 putty 读取,写入 putty,然后开始我的下一次扫描:
CapSense_ProcessAllWidgets(); // Process all widgets
CapSense_RunTuner(); // To sync with Tuner application
read_sensor(curr_elem); //read curr_elem
(curr_elem < RX4_TX4)?(curr_elem++):(curr_elem = 0, touchpad_readings_flag++);
// Here is the part to read I added which blocks until I type in something.
// If I remove this if and all of what's in it, I print to putty every 500ms
char received_char = getchar();
if (received_char) //if something was returned, received_char != 0
printf("%c", received_char);
//Here I write to putty. works fine when I remove getchar()
if (print_counter_flag && touchpad_readings_flag)
print_counter_flag = 0;
touchpad_readings_flag = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
printf("%c", 97 + i);
printf("%c", val[i] >> 8);
printf("%c", val[i] & 0x00ff); // For raw counts
/* Start next scan */