- 我已经通过 pip 安装了 blpapi,它报告安装成功,并显示在库列表中。
- 我将 blpapi 包从 BBG 解压缩到 C:blpapi_cpp; 并将 C:blpapi_cpp\blpapi_cpp_3.12.3.1\bin 添加到我的 Win 7 PATH 变量中。
- 我安装了最新版本的 Visual Studio Tools (2019)
- 我成功安装了 BBG 的 SSH 密钥
我重新启动 Anaconda Spyder 以确保它看到最新的 PATH 变量。在控制台中我试过:import blpapi,得到:
---------------------------- ENVIRONMENT -----------------------------
Platform: Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1
Architecture: ('64bit', 'WindowsPE')
Python: 3.7.1 (default, Dec 10 2018, 22:54:23) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)]
Python implementation: CPython
blpapi 64-bit will be loaded from: "None"
blpapi 32-bit will be loaded from: "None"
System PATH: (* marks locations where blpapi was found)
*long list of paths here, ending with*
blpapi package at: "C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages"
Current directory: "C:\Users\Paul Stafford"
No module named '_versionhelper'
Could not open the C++ SDK library.
Download and install the latest C++ SDK from:
If the C++ SDK is already installed, please ensure that the path to the library
was added to PATH before entering the interpreter.
我以为那是我所做的,但显然不是。我不精通设置环境。blpapi_cpp 包中的 C++ SDK 是 Visual Studio 还是?似乎所有的位都在那里,他们只是没有找到对方。我错过了什么?