我已经按照 formio docs 创建自定义组件,但我只是一个初学者,所以我无法让它工作。我想创建自定义组件来实现这个页面
我想创建自定义组件,例如添加新卡,您可以选择该卡的子卡,例如视频或图像,输入等。基本上我想实现谷歌表单构建器我发现 formio 是表单构建器的最佳选择,但我被这个自定义组件卡住了。我听说有人终于在 stackoverflow 中创建了自定义组件,我也在他们的问题中问他们。那么,任何人都可以帮助我吗?也许你有我要遵循的源代码,或者任何东西,非常感谢任何帮助
首先,在 Formio 中找到一个与您想要的功能接近的现有组件。如果你的新元素只是呈现一些非交互式的东西,那么你可以使用“HTML”组件。
var htmlComponent = Formio.Components.components.htmlelement; // or whatever
class MyNewComponent extends htmlComponent{
static schema(...extend) {
return super.schema({
type: 'MyNewComponent',
label: "The Default Label",
any_other_fields: "",
}, ...extend);
static get builderInfo() {
return {
title: 'Name in the Builder',
group: 'custom',
icon: 'picture-o',
weight: 5,
schema: this.schema()
render(element) {
// Here's where you add your HTML to get put up.
tpl += "<div ref='myref'>Hi there!</div>";
// Note the use of the 'ref' tag, which is used later to find
// parts of your rendered element.
// If you need to render the superclass,
// you can do that with
// tpl+=super.render(element);
// This wraps your template to give it the standard label and bulider decorations
return Formio.Components.components.component.prototype.render.call(this,tpl);
attach(element) {
// This code is called after rendering, when the DOM has been created.
// You can find your elements above like this:
this.loadRefs(element, {myref: 'single'});
var superattach = super.attach(element);
// Here do whatever you need to attach event handlers to the dom.
return superattach;
getvalue() {
return 3; // the value this element puts into the form
// OR, depending on which component type you're basing on:
getValueAt(index,value,flags) {}
setValue(value) {
// modify your DOM here to reflect that the value should be 'value'.
// OR, depending on what component type:
getValueAt(index) {}
// This sets the form that pops up in the Builder when you create
// one of these. It is basically just a standard form, and you
// can look at the contents of this in the debugger.
MyNewComponent.editForm = htmlComponent.editForm;
// Register your component to Formio
Formio.Components.addComponent('MyNewComponent', MyNewComponent);