我想通过 SSH 在 AWS 实例上运行测试时监控运行时执行情况。
我正在ERROR: Console screen failure:
通过 SSH 在 AWS 实例上运行我的测试,但我的测试成功运行并在测试完成后得到一个摘要。
这是我通过 Taurus 在 AWS 上执行测试的命令:
bzt Test.jmx
11:18:23 INFO: Taurus CLI Tool v1.14.0
11:18:23 INFO: Starting with configs: ['/tmp/jmx_u1mchoun.json']
11:18:23 INFO: Configuring...
11:18:23 INFO: Artifacts dir: /home/ubuntu/2020-04-06_11-18-23.669977
11:18:23 INFO: Preparing...
11:18:24 WARNING: There is a newer version of Taurus 1.14.1 available, consider upgrading. What's new: http://gettaurus.org/docs/Changelog/
11:18:25 INFO: 2 obsolete CookieManagers are found and fixed
11:18:30 INFO: Starting...
11:18:30 INFO: Waiting for results...
11:18:30 INFO: Waiting for finish...
11:18:31 ERROR: Console screen failure: ord() expected string of length 1, but int found
11:18:40 WARNING: Please wait for graceful shutdown...
11:18:40 INFO: Shutting down...
11:18:40 INFO: Post-processing...
11:18:40 INFO: Test duration: 0:00:10
11:18:40 INFO: Samples count: 75, 53.33% failures
11:18:40 INFO: Average times: total 0.080, latency 0.080, connect 0.006