示例 1:构建一个包含所有学习器的管道,即具有固定超参数的学习器,以及超参数需要调整的学习器
# Build Machine Learning pipeline that:
# 1. Imputes missing values (optional).
# 2. Tunes and benchmarks a range of learners.
# 3. Handles imbalanced data in different ways.
# 4. Identifies optimal learner for the task at hand.
# Abbreviations
# 1. td: Tuned. Learner already tuned with optimal hyperparameters, as found empirically by Probst et al. (2009). See http://jmlr.csail.mit.edu/papers/volume20/18-444/18-444.pdf
# 2. tn: Tuner. Optimal hyperparameters for the learner to be determined within the Tuner.
# 3. raw: Raw dataset in that class imbalances were not treated in any way.
# 4. up: Data upsampling to balance class imbalances.
# 5. down: Data downsampling to balance class imbalances.
# References
# Probst et al. (2009). http://jmlr.csail.mit.edu/papers/volume20/18-444/18-444.pdf
task <- tsk('sonar')
# Indices for splitting data into training and test sets
train.idx <- task$data() %>%
select(Class) %>%
rownames_to_column %>%
group_by(Class) %>%
sample_frac(2 / 3) %>% # Stratified sample to maintain proportions between classes.
ungroup %>%
select(rowname) %>%
deframe %>%
test.idx <- setdiff(seq_len(task$nrow), train.idx)
# Define training and test sets in task format
task_train <- task$clone()$filter(train.idx)
task_test <- task$clone()$filter(test.idx)
# Define class balancing strategies
class_counts <- table(task_train$truth())
upsample_ratio <- class_counts[class_counts == max(class_counts)] /
class_counts[class_counts == min(class_counts)]
downsample_ratio <- 1 / upsample_ratio
# 1. Enrich minority class by factor 'ratio'
po_over <- po("classbalancing", id = "up", adjust = "minor",
reference = "minor", shuffle = FALSE, ratio = upsample_ratio)
# 2. Reduce majority class by factor '1/ratio'
po_under <- po("classbalancing", id = "down", adjust = "major",
reference = "major", shuffle = FALSE, ratio = downsample_ratio)
# 3. No class balancing
po_raw <- po("nop", id = "raw") # Pipe operator for 'do nothing' ('nop'), i.e. don't up/down-balance the classes.
# We will be using an XGBoost learner throughout with different hyperparameter settings.
# Define XGBoost learner with the optimal hyperparameters of Probst et al.
# Learner will be added to the pipeline later on, in conjuction with and without class balancing.
xgb_td <- lrn("classif.xgboost", predict_type = 'prob')
xgb_td$param_set$values <- list(
booster = "gbtree",
nrounds = 2563,
max_depth = 11,
min_child_weight = 1.75,
subsample = 0.873,
eta = 0.052,
colsample_bytree = 0.713,
colsample_bylevel = 0.638,
lambda = 0.101,
alpha = 0.894
xgb_td_raw <- GraphLearner$new(
po_raw %>>%
po('learner', xgb_td, id = 'xgb_td'),
predict_type = 'prob'
xgb_tn_raw <- GraphLearner$new(
po_raw %>>%
po('learner', lrn("classif.xgboost",
predict_type = 'prob'), id = 'xgb_tn'),
predict_type = 'prob'
xgb_td_up <- GraphLearner$new(
po_over %>>%
po('learner', xgb_td, id = 'xgb_td'),
predict_type = 'prob'
xgb_tn_up <- GraphLearner$new(
po_over %>>%
po('learner', lrn("classif.xgboost",
predict_type = 'prob'), id = 'xgb_tn'),
predict_type = 'prob'
xgb_td_down <- GraphLearner$new(
po_under %>>%
po('learner', xgb_td, id = 'xgb_td'),
predict_type = 'prob'
xgb_tn_down <- GraphLearner$new(
po_under %>>%
po('learner', lrn("classif.xgboost",
predict_type = 'prob'), id = 'xgb_tn'),
predict_type = 'prob'
learners_all <- list(
names(learners_all) <- sapply(learners_all, function(x) x$id)
# Create pipeline as a graph. This way, pipeline can be plotted. Pipeline can then be converted into a learner with GraphLearner$new(pipeline).
# Pipeline is a collection of Graph Learners (type ?GraphLearner in the command line for info).
# Each GraphLearner is a td or tn model (see abbreviations above) with or without class balancing.
# Up/down or no sampling happens within each GraphLearner, otherwise an error during tuning indicates that there are >= 2 data sources.
# Up/down or no sampling within each GraphLearner can be specified by chaining the relevant pipe operators (function po(); type ?PipeOp in command line) with the PipeOp of each learner.
graph <-
#po("imputehist") %>>% # Optional. Impute missing values only when using classifiers that can't handle them (e.g. Random Forest).
po("branch", names(learners_all)) %>>%
gunion(unname(learners_all)) %>>%
graph$plot() # Plot pipeline
pipe <- GraphLearner$new(graph) # Convert pipeline to learner
pipe$predict_type <- 'prob' # Don't forget to specify we want to predict probabilities and not classes.
ps_table <- as.data.table(pipe$param_set)
View(ps_table[, 1:4])
# Set hyperparameter ranges for the tunable learners
ps_xgboost <- ps_table$id %>%
function(x) {
if (grepl('_tn', x)) {
if (grepl('.booster', x)) {
ParamFct$new(x, levels = "gbtree")
} else if (grepl('.nrounds', x)) {
ParamInt$new(x, lower = 100, upper = 110)
} else if (grepl('.max_depth', x)) {
ParamInt$new(x, lower = 3, upper = 10)
} else if (grepl('.min_child_weight', x)) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 0, upper = 10)
} else if (grepl('.subsample', x)) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 0, upper = 1)
} else if (grepl('.eta', x)) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 0.1, upper = 0.6)
} else if (grepl('.colsample_bytree', x)) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 0.5, upper = 1)
} else if (grepl('.gamma', x)) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 0, upper = 5)
ps_xgboost <- Filter(Negate(is.null), ps_xgboost)
ps_xgboost <- ParamSet$new(ps_xgboost)
# Se parameter ranges for the class balancing strategies
ps_class_balancing <- ps_table$id %>%
function(x) {
if (all(grepl('up.', x), grepl('.ratio', x))) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 1, upper = upsample_ratio)
} else if (all(grepl('down.', x), grepl('.ratio', x))) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = downsample_ratio, upper = 1)
ps_class_balancing <- Filter(Negate(is.null), ps_class_balancing)
ps_class_balancing <- ParamSet$new(ps_class_balancing)
# Define parameter set
param_set <- ParamSetCollection$new(list(
ParamSet$new(list(pipe$param_set$params$branch.selection$clone())), # ParamFct can be copied.
# Add dependencies. For instance, we can only set the mtry value if the pipe is configured to use the Random Forest (ranger).
# In a similar manner, we want do add a dependency between, e.g. hyperparameter "raw.xgb_td.xgb_tn.booster" and branch "raw.xgb_td"
# See https://mlr3gallery.mlr-org.com/tuning-over-multiple-learners/
param_set$ids()[-1] %>%
function(x) {
aux <- names(learners_all) %>%
function(y) {
grepl(y, x)
aux <- names(aux[aux])
param_set$add_dep(x, "branch.selection",
# Set up tuning instance
instance <- TuningInstance$new(
task = task_train,
learner = pipe,
resampling = rsmp('cv', folds = 2),
measures = msr("classif.bbrier"),
#measures = prc_micro,
terminator = term("evals", n_evals = 3))
tuner <- TunerRandomSearch$new()
# Tune pipe learner to find best-performing branch
instance$archive(unnest = "tune_x") # Unnest the tuner search space values
pipe$param_set$values <- instance$result$params
pred <- pipe$predict(task_test)
示例 2:构建一个仅包含可调学习器的管道,找到“最佳”学习器,然后在第二阶段将其与具有固定超参数的学习器进行基准测试。
第 1 步:为可调学习器构建管道
learners_all <- list(
names(learners_all) <- sapply(learners_all, function(x) x$id)
# Create pipeline as a graph. This way, pipeline can be plotted. Pipeline can then be converted into a learner with GraphLearner$new(pipeline).
# Pipeline is a collection of Graph Learners (type ?GraphLearner in the command line for info).
# Each GraphLearner is a td or tn model (see abbreviations above) with or without class balancing.
# Up/down or no sampling happens within each GraphLearner, otherwise an error during tuning indicates that there are >= 2 data sources.
# Up/down or no sampling within each GraphLearner can be specified by chaining the relevant pipe operators (function po(); type ?PipeOp in command line) with the PipeOp of each learner.
graph <-
#po("imputehist") %>>% # Optional. Impute missing values only when using classifiers that can't handle them (e.g. Random Forest).
po("branch", names(learners_all)) %>>%
gunion(unname(learners_all)) %>>%
graph$plot() # Plot pipeline
pipe <- GraphLearner$new(graph) # Convert pipeline to learner
pipe$predict_type <- 'prob' # Don't forget to specify we want to predict probabilities and not classes.
ps_table <- as.data.table(pipe$param_set)
View(ps_table[, 1:4])
ps_xgboost <- ps_table$id %>%
function(x) {
if (grepl('_tn', x)) {
if (grepl('.booster', x)) {
ParamFct$new(x, levels = "gbtree")
} else if (grepl('.nrounds', x)) {
ParamInt$new(x, lower = 100, upper = 110)
} else if (grepl('.max_depth', x)) {
ParamInt$new(x, lower = 3, upper = 10)
} else if (grepl('.min_child_weight', x)) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 0, upper = 10)
} else if (grepl('.subsample', x)) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 0, upper = 1)
} else if (grepl('.eta', x)) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 0.1, upper = 0.6)
} else if (grepl('.colsample_bytree', x)) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 0.5, upper = 1)
} else if (grepl('.gamma', x)) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 0, upper = 5)
ps_xgboost <- Filter(Negate(is.null), ps_xgboost)
ps_xgboost <- ParamSet$new(ps_xgboost)
ps_class_balancing <- ps_table$id %>%
function(x) {
if (all(grepl('up.', x), grepl('.ratio', x))) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = 1, upper = upsample_ratio)
} else if (all(grepl('down.', x), grepl('.ratio', x))) {
ParamDbl$new(x, lower = downsample_ratio, upper = 1)
ps_class_balancing <- Filter(Negate(is.null), ps_class_balancing)
ps_class_balancing <- ParamSet$new(ps_class_balancing)
param_set <- ParamSetCollection$new(list(
ParamSet$new(list(pipe$param_set$params$branch.selection$clone())), # ParamFct can be copied.
# Add dependencies. For instance, we can only set the mtry value if the pipe is configured to use the Random Forest (ranger).
# In a similar manner, we want do add a dependency between, e.g. hyperparameter "raw.xgb_td.xgb_tn.booster" and branch "raw.xgb_td"
# See https://mlr3gallery.mlr-org.com/tuning-over-multiple-learners/
param_set$ids()[-1] %>%
function(x) {
aux <- names(learners_all) %>%
function(y) {
grepl(y, x)
aux <- names(aux[aux])
param_set$add_dep(x, "branch.selection",
# Set up tuning instance
instance <- TuningInstance$new(
task = task_train,
learner = pipe,
resampling = rsmp('cv', folds = 2),
measures = msr("classif.bbrier"),
#measures = prc_micro,
terminator = term("evals", n_evals = 3))
tuner <- TunerRandomSearch$new()
# Tune pipe learner to find best-performing branch
instance$archive(unnest = "tune_x") # Unnest the tuner search space values
pipe$param_set$values <- instance$result$params
pred <- pipe$predict(task_test)
第 2 步:对“最佳”可调学习器(现已调整)和具有固定超参数的学习器进行基准测试
# Define re-sampling and instantiate it so always the same split will be used
resampling <- rsmp("cv", folds = 2)
bmr <- benchmark(
design = benchmark_grid(
learner = list(pipe, xgb_td_raw, xgb_td_up, xgb_tn_down),
store_models = TRUE # Only needed if you want to inspect the models
- 我可能应该为具有固定超参数的学习者创建第二个单独的管道,以便至少调整类平衡参数。然后,两个管道(可调和固定超参数)将以
- 我可能应该从头到尾使用相同的重采样策略?即,在调整第一个管道之前实例化重新采样策略,以便在第二个管道和最终基准测试中也使用此策略。