对于我最近所做的一项 EC2 配置更改,我需要您的帮助。

我有 14 个 EC2 On-Demand 运行实例,后来我才知道,我实际上可以通过购买预留实例将成本降低一半。

首先,我购买了 1 个与按需实例类型匹配的预留实例,并立即应用了计费折扣(我可以根据此视频确认这一点:https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v= rvdnJrLlWJs)。

然后我继续购买了 4 个预留实例,如下所示:



购买后,我希望看到应用的计费折扣,但我在 No Region 下看到了 RI(如下所示)。我选择的配置与单实例的配置完全相同,唯一的区别是实例数量为 4。


我可以确认我所有的 14 个 EC2 Running On-Demand 实例都属于 t2.medium 系列。



Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Does not support vpc yet, please be careful when trusting these results
Congratulations, you have no unused reservations

Congratulations, you have no unreserved instances
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./ec2-check-reserved-instances.py", line 84, in <module>
    qty_running_instances = reduce( lambda x, y: x+y, running_instances.values() )
TypeError: reduce() of empty sequence with no initial value

2 回答 2


得到了 AWS 的回复。他们是这样说的:

已审核帐户并可以确认预留已成功应用于实例。您可以通过在 Cost Explorer 中查看预留实例的利用率报告来确认这一点。但是,想通知您,预订利用率数据最多可能需要 48 小时才能提供。- https://aws.amazon.com/aws-cost-management/reserved-instance-reporting/

您还可以通过查看显示为运行 Linux/UNIX 预留实例的 Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud 的行项目来确认预留实例已应用于实例。您会看到预留实例的使用量增加了。

于 2020-04-07T08:08:58.383 回答



有时帐单不会立即反映,但此工具可帮助我确认 RI 设置

于 2020-04-03T09:30:04.517 回答