I have a vue version "^2.6.11" app with vuex where I am adding items to the cart. My items have variations like colour so I have two conditions before adding to cart comparing the colour and the product ID.

product.productId == item.productId && product.colour == item.colour

The colour is chosen from a select box, a property on the product is set with the selected colour on change event from the select box.

this.item.colour = event.target.value

The problem is that it updates the current item in the cart even if the colour is changed for example:

  • Select box displays gold, "add to cart" is clicked and a gold item is added to cart.

  • Select box is changed to silver, the product component changes its colour property to silver and "add to cart" is clicked.

  • The current item in the cart quantity changes to 2 and its colour changes to silver.

The odd thing is when I navigate to the checkout then click the back button, the add to cart works the way I want it to by adding the new variation of the item to the cart, however, when I add another variation after that it works as it did the first time.

I hope this makes sense. I don't understand why it doesn't work prior to click the back button.

I can't set up a Jsfiddle or code snippit because there are so many components working together here so I will add some of my code below.

// Product.vue

        style="max-width: 15rem;"
        <b-card-text>{{ product_type }}</b-card-text>
        <div class="form-group">
          <label for="colourSelect">Please select a colour</label>
          <select @change="onChange($event)">
            <option v-for="item in metal_colour" v-bind:key="item">
              {{ item }}
        <div class="clearfix">
          <div class="price pull-left" v-bind:key="price">€{{ price }}</div>
          <div class="text-right">
            <b-button @click="addToCart" variant="primary">Add to cart</b-button>
export default {
  name: 'Product',
  props: {
    productId: Number,
    imagePath: String,
    product_type: String,
    metal_colour: Array,
    price: Number,
    qty: Number
  data() {
    return {
      item: {
        productId: this.productId,
        imagePath: this.imagePath,
        product_type: this.product_type,
        price: this.price,
        colour: 'Gold',
        qty: 1
  methods: {
    addToCart() {
      this.$store.commit('addToCart', this.item)
    onChange(event) {
      this.item.colour = event.target.value
// store/index.js Vuex

 mutations: {
    addToCart(state, item) {
      let found = state.inCart.find(
        product =>
          product.productId == item.productId && product.colour == item.colour
      if (found) {
      } else {

For my shopping cart I am using a modal and the items are listed as follows:

// Cart.vue
  <b-table striped :items="this.$store.state.inCart">

    <template v-slot:cell(imagePath)="data">
      <img :src="data.value" class="thumb" alt="product" />
      {{ data.imagePath }}


<div slot="modal-footer">

  <router-link to="/checkout">
    <b-button variant="primary" @click="$bvModal.hide('modal-1')">

  <b-button class="modalBtn" variant="primary" @click="$bvModal.hide('modal-1')">
    Continue Shopping



1 回答 1


您在标记中使用了this> ,应该只是,但无论如何它都应该标记一个错误并且永远不会真正起作用。this.$store.state.inCart<template>$store.state.inCart

<b-table striped :items="$store.state.inCart">


import {mapState} from 'vuex'

computed: {



<b-table striped :items="inCart">



1) 导入lodash>import { copy } from 'lodash'并使用copy(item)



为了澄清,您可以在您的vuex addToCart方法中执行此复制过程:

addToCart(state, item) {

  let found = state.inCart.find(
    product => product.productId === item.productId && product.colour === item.colour

  if (found) {


  } else {

    // Clone the object.
    const insert = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item))

于 2020-04-02T20:09:56.253 回答