I have 700 products to create ads each with different cost and year of make and i want to display this values in my ad and change them dynamically. so i have used adparams in the headline and in description1 as

$textAd->headline     = 'Sale!  productname {param1:2011}';
$textAd->description1 = 'For Just ${param2:25000}';

as descried in the forums. and i have created set the adparams to the keywords.

$adParam1 = new AdParam($adGroupId, $keywordId, $year, 1);
$adParam2 = new AdParam($adGroupId, $keywordId, $price, 2);

// Create operations.
$adParamOperation1 = new AdParamOperation();
$adParamOperation1->operand = $adParam1;
$adParamOperation1->operator = 'SET';

$adParamOperation2 = new AdParamOperation();
$adParamOperation2->operand = $adParam2;
$adParamOperation2->operator = 'SET';

since adparams is related to keywords and keywords related to adgroup and not ads, I have created adgroup for each ad(so that i have 700 adgroups). And each adgroup has a Ad with a related keyword. Now when i get the ads using the api.

I get something like this

[ad] => TextAd Object
     [headline] => Sale! product {param1:2011}
     [description1] =>  Just ${param2:25000}

the param strings are shown as such, i could not determine whether the adparams, works correctly and also im not confident that i'm in the right path. Please help me in doing this.


1 回答 1


广告参数是关键字级别的,广告是基于广告组的。如果您的 Adwords 帐户结构正确,那么这里应该没有任何问题。

在编辑器和在线广告中,广告总是看起来像上面那样(使用 {param1:default} 等),但谷歌搜索中显示的实际广告将包含您在关键字上设置的参数。如果没有设置婴儿车,它将默认为括号内的值。

根据我使用广告参数的经验,它更复杂,因为我们的 ppc 员工无法通过 Adwords 编辑器更改广告,这导致了更多问题。




于 2011-10-19T22:00:41.700 回答