following problem:
we have a file called "file.conf"||os _gateway||Linux 2.6.18 - 2.6.22 ...
first is the hostname second is the ipv4
now we have a script where he should automaticaly insert the hosts and ip's via automated user from checkMK
source $FILE
for i in ${FILE}
HOSTNAME=$(cat $i | cut -d '|' -f1)
IP=$(cat $i | cut -d '|' -f2)
curl "http://checkmkadress/check_mk/host&user" -d 'request={"hostname":"'"$HOSTNAME"'","folder":"ansible","attributes":{"ipaddress":"'"$IP"'","site":"sitename","tag_agent":"cmk-agent"}}'
but if we do it like that we get the following error cause he try's to put in every host in host and every ip in ip without going through all lines
{"result": "Check_MK exception: Failed to parse JSON request: '{\"hostname\":\"allhostnames":{\"ipaddress\":all_ips\",\"site\":\"sitename\",\"tag_agent\":\"cmk-agent\"}}': Invalid control character at: line 1 column 26 (char 25)", "result_code": 1}
how can we make the curl script go through each line to get host and ip individually