I was wondering if there is a good implementation (library) of a C++ iterator facade around sockets. I've gone through the Boost Iterator library and ASIO, and can't seem to find anything. An open source solution would be great!
I'm looking for a solution to the following use-case:
int socket_handler = 0;
socket_iterator it(socket_handler);
socket_iterator end;
//read mode 1:
while (it != end)
char c = *it;
//read mode 2:
while (it != end)
std::string s = *it;
//write mode 1:
unsigned char c = 0;
while (c < 100)
*it = c++;
//write mode 2:
std::sttring s = "abc";
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
*it = s;
Note: it == end, when the connection is disconnected.