I want to make a table in which I'm going to make an unordered list with the names of the hotels and the number of stars like this:
· Macuya (4)
· Fuentevino (2)
· Tresarazos (3)
Using this code:
<destino identificador="p023">
<hotel estrellas="4">Macuya</hotel>
<destino identificador="m036">
<hotel estrellas="2">Fuentevino</hotel>
<hotel estrellas="3">Tresarazos</hotel>
I tried this in eXide, but the names come together without spaces and the number of stars isn't shown:
{for $i in doc("/db/exercise/vacaciones.xml")//destino
{$i/estancias/hotel/text()} ({$i/estancias/hotel/@estrellas/text()})