我正在尝试在具有内核和RAMBerkeley UPC的计算机上运行代码。但是代码无法运行,因为它找不到足够的内存。以下应该有效,因为 51 x 5 = 255 GB < 256 GB64256 GB

upcrun -n 51 -shared-heap=5GB xcorupc_sac inputpgas_sac{$rc1}.txt
UPCR: UPC thread  3 of 51 on range (pshm node 0 of 1, process  3 of 51, pid=191914)
UPCR: UPC thread 16 of 51 on range (pshm node 0 of 1, process 16 of 51, pid=191927)
UPC Runtime warning: Requested shared memory (5120 MB) > available (2515 MB) on node 0 (range): using 2515 MB per thread instead

UPC Runtime error: out of shared memory
  Local shared memory in use:  1594 MB per-thread,  81340 MB total
  Global shared memory in use:    0 MB per-thread,     1 MB total
  Total shared memory limit:   2515 MB per-thread,  128281 MB total
upc_alloc unable to service request from thread 0 for 1672245248 more bytes

NOTICE: Before reporting bugs, run with GASNET_BACKTRACE=1 in the environment to generate a backtrace. 
NOTICE: We recommend linking the debug version of GASNet to assist you in resolving this application issue.

我不明白为什么这Total shared memory limit128 GB总物理内存的一半。shared-heap即使使用我明确要求5 GB每个线程的标志,我也无法超越它。有什么建议么 ?

cat /proc/meminfo 
MemTotal:       263378836 kB

UPC 版本是使用--with-sptr-packed-bits=20,9,35允许每个线程最多 2^35 = 32 GB 共享内存的标志编译的。

EDIT1:以下是命令的输出upcc --version

[avinash@range jointinvsurf5_cajoint_compile]$ upcc --version
This is upcc (the Berkeley Unified Parallel C compiler), v. 2019.4.4
  (getting remote translator settings...)
 UPC Runtime          | v. 2019.4.4, built on Feb 11 2020 at 23:31:40
 UPC-to-C translator  | v. 2.28.0, built on Jul 19 2018 at 20:29:47
                      | host aphid linux-x86_64/64
                      | gcc v4.2.4 (Ubuntu 4.2.4-1ubuntu4)
 Translator location  | http://upc-translator.lbl.gov/upcc-2019.4.0.cgi
 networks supported   | smp udp mpi ibv
 default network      | ibv
 pthreads support     | available (if used, default is 2 pthreads per process)
 Configured with      | '--with-translator=http://upc-translator.lbl.gov/upcc-2
                      | 019.4.0.cgi' '--with-sptr-packed-bits=20,9,35'
                      | '--prefix=/usr/local/berkeley_upc/opt'
                      | '--with-multiconf-magic=opt'
 Configure features   | trans_bupc,pragma_upc_code,driver_upcc,runtime_upcr,
                      | gasnet,upc_collective,upc_io,upc_memcpy_async,
                      | upc_memcpy_vis,upc_ptradd,upc_thread_distance,upc_tick,
                      | upc_sem,upc_dump_shared,upc_trace_printf,
                      | upc_trace_mask,upc_local_to_shared,upc_all_free,
                      | upc_atomics,pupc,upc_types,upc_castable,upc_nb,nodebug,
                      | notrace,nostats,nodebugmalloc,nogasp,nothrille,
                      | segment_fast,os_linux,cpu_x86_64,cpu_64,cc_gnu,
                      | packedsptr,upc_io_64
 Configure id         | range Tue Feb 11 23:18:39 PST 2020 gnome-initial-setup
 Binary interface     | 64-bit x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
 Runtime interface #  | Runtime supports 3.0 -> 3.13: Translator uses 3.6
                      |  --- BACKEND SETTINGS (for ibv network) ---
 C compiler           | /usr/bin/gcc
                      |   GNU/4.8.5/4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)
                      |   gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39) Copyright
                      |   (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 C compiler flags     | -O3 --param max-inline-insns-single=35000 --param
                      | inline-unit-growth=10000 --param
                      | large-function-growth=200000 -Wno-unused
                      | -Wunused-result -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-address
                      | -std=gnu99
 linker               | /data/seismo82/avinash/Programs/openmpiinstall/bin/mpic
                      | c
                      |   GNU/4.8.5/4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39)
                      |   gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39) Copyright
                      |   (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 linker flags         | -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -O3 --param
                      | max-inline-insns-single=35000 --param
                      | inline-unit-growth=10000 --param
                      | large-function-growth=200000 -Wno-unused
                      | -Wunused-result -Wno-unused-parameter -Wno-address
                      | -std=gnu99 -L/data/seismo82/avinash/Programs/myupc/opt
                      | -L/data/seismo82/avinash/Programs/myupc/opt/umalloc
                      | -lupcr-ibv-seq -lumalloc
                      | -L/data/seismo82/avinash/Programs/myupc/opt/gasnet/ibv-
                      | conduit -lgasnet-ibv-seq -libverbs -lpthread -lrt
                      | -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/4.8.5 -lgcc -lm

EDIT2:以下是df -h /dev/shm命令的输出

[avinash@range jointinvsurf5_cajoint_compile]$ df -h /dev/shm
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs           126G   21M  126G   1% /dev/shm

1 回答 1


默认情况下,Berkeley UPC 使用内核共享内存服务来交叉映射位于同一位置的进程之间的 UPC 共享段。对于 smp-conduit,这是唯一的操作模式。

假设这是一个具有配置默认值的 Linux 系统,最可能的解释是内核提供的 POSIX 共享内存空间耗尽。您可以通过查看它所在的虚拟文件系统来确认这一点。下面是一个配置为最多 20G 共享内存的系统的示例:

$df -h /dev/shm /var/shm /run/shm
df: '/var/shm': No such file or directory
df: '/run/shm': No such file or directory
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs            20G  504K   20G   1% /dev/shm


有关更多信息,请参阅https://gasnet.lbl.gov/dist-ex/README中的“POSIX 共享内存的系统设置”部分

最后,请注意,即使上述问题得到解决,在具有 256 GB 物理 DRAM (99.6%) 的系统上要求 255 GB 共享内存堆也可能是不可取的。这为应用程序内存的非共享部分(堆栈、静态数据、malloc 堆)以及内核和守护进程的内存开销留下了非常少的空间。根据您的内核设置,这可能会触发内存不足恐慌以开始杀死进程。我们通常建议将安全的经验限制为 85% 的物理内存(假设系统处于空闲状态),除此之外“谨慎行事”。

于 2020-03-26T19:01:03.547 回答