晚安,我的 Arduino 上运行了 Firmata 的示例程序 StandardFirmata,我在 Processing 中使用 Firmata 和一个名为 Game Control Plus 的库制作了一个程序。我的程序获取 PS4 操纵杆的值并将它们转换为 Firmata 作为命令传递给 Arduino 的数字,一切似乎都运行良好,但是,由于某种原因,左右伺服电机不执行 90 以下的数字甚至有时它们在执行动作时会停止。我首先想到的是引擎在强制或者程序发送了错误的值,所以我为舵机做了一个简单的Arduino程序,它们可以执行90以下的值,我也在屏幕上做了处理打印他传递的值和值是正确的。反正,我将在下面留下我制作的代码和接线图。我希望有人能帮我解开这个谜。

import processing.serial.*;

Controlling Servos with Firmata and Game Control Plus
Be able to control servos using any compatible joystick
by Davi Colares

//Import necessay libraries
import cc.arduino.*;
Arduino arduino;
import org.gamecontrolplus.gui.*;
import org.gamecontrolplus.*;
import net.java.games.input.*;

//Define some useful things for GCP
ControlIO control;
ControlDevice stick;

//Define joystick, servos variables and initial values
float c_base, c_left, c_right, c_claw;
int base = 8, 
    left = 10,
    right = 9,
    claw = 11,
    initial_base = 90,
    initial_left = 90,
    initial_right = 90,
    initial_claw = 90;

public void setup()
  //Define Arduino Port, in my case 2
  arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[2], 57600);

  //Define pin servos
  arduino.pinMode(base, Arduino.SERVO);
  arduino.pinMode(left, Arduino.SERVO);
  arduino.pinMode(right, Arduino.SERVO);
  arduino.pinMode(claw, Arduino.SERVO);

  //Sets servos to initial position
  arduino.servoWrite(base, initial_base);
  arduino.servoWrite(left, initial_left);
  arduino.servoWrite(right, initial_right);
  arduino.servoWrite(claw, initial_claw);

  //Open a config screen for the control, based in Gcpconfig, example code
  surface.setTitle("PS4 com MeArm");
  control = ControlIO.getInstance(this);
  stick = control.filter(GCP.STICK).getMatchedDevice("joystick");
  if (stick == null){
    println("Nenhum dispositivo configurado");

public void getUserInput(){
  c_base = map(stick.getSlider("X").getValue(), -1, 1, 0, width);
  c_left = map(stick.getSlider("Y").getValue(), -1, 1, 0, height);
  c_right = map(stick.getSlider("Z").getValue(), -1, 1, 0, width);
  c_claw = map(stick.getSlider("W").getValue(), -1, 1, 0, height);

  //The base servo is 50, so I multiply by 1.8 to match 90 degree of servo
  c_base = c_base *1.8;
  c_left = c_left *1.8;
  c_right = c_right *1.8;
  c_claw = c_claw *1.8;

public void draw(){
  //print in processing serial and servos
  println(int(c_base), int(c_left), int(c_right), int(c_claw));
  arduino.servoWrite(base, int(c_base));
  arduino.servoWrite(left, int(c_left));
  arduino.servoWrite(right, int(c_right));
  arduino.servoWrite(claw, int(c_claw));

控制器配置使用 Gcpconfig,兼容 PS4

control ps4
X   base    3   SLIDER  Eixo X  0   1.0 0.05
Y   left    3   SLIDER  Eixo Y  0   1.0 0.05
W   right   3   SLIDER  Rotação Y   0   1.0 0.05
Z   claw    3   SLIDER  Rotação X   0   1.0 0.05

Arduino 和伺服连接



1 回答 1


Timer1 是一个 16 位定时器。
在 Arduino 世界中,Servo 库在 Arduino Uno
引脚 9 和 10 上使用 timer1:由 timer1 控制,
因为firmata 是一个依赖定时器和中断的复杂程序,这可能是您附加的原因

  left = 10,
  right = 9,

更多关于定时器的细节:https ://www.robotshop.com/community/forum/t/arduino-101-timers -and-interrupts/13072
://github.com/firmata/arduino/tree/master/examples/ServoFirmata 另请阅读有关伺服系统的问题(打开/关闭)

于 2020-03-26T06:20:35.210 回答