我在 selenium webdriver 中使用 MSTEST C#。我的项目的层次结构是














现在我的单元测试用例存在于 AutomationCode.cs 文件中,这是主项目文件。我的 AutomationCode.cs 文件中的代码是

    public class AutomationCode
        private IWebDriver WDriver;
        private log4net.ILog Testlog;
        public void wd()
            WDriver = Helper.GetWebDriver(helperconst.browserType.Chrome);
            Testlog = LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType);
        public void search()
            Testlog.Info("Test ID:001, This test will select the criteria and update the customer dropdown");
            Testlog.Info("Step 1/1 : Select customer from cutomer dropdown");
            var dc = gmethods.GetSelectElement(WDriver, dpo.customermenu);
        public void TestRailCall()
            TestRailpm a = new TestRailPM();

        public void CleanUp()

在 dpo 页面中:

public static class dpo
    public const string customermenu = "[data]";

在 dpc 页面中

public static class dpc
    public const string customer = "A";

在 gmethods 页面中:

static public SelectElement GetSelectElement(IWebDriver drv, string elem)
    SelectElement a = new SelectElement(drv.FindElement(By.CssSelector(elem)));
    return a;

在 TestRailPO 文件中,代码是

    namespace Automation.AppObj.TestRail
    public class TestRailPO

        public class TestResultKeeper
            public static TestResult TestResult { get; set; }
            public static UnitTestOutcome TestOutcome => UnitTestOutcome.Failed;

            //TestResult ?? Outcome ?? UnitTestOutcome.Failed;

            public static bool IsPassed => TestOutcome == UnitTestOutcome.Passed;
            public static Exception Exception { get; set; }


        public class TestMethodAttribute : Attribute
            public virtual TestResult[] Execute(ITestMethod testMethod)
                return new TestResult[] { };

        public class LogTestTestMethod : TestMethodAttribute

            public override TestResult[] Execute(ITestMethod testMethod)
                var testResult = base.Execute(testMethod)[0];

                TestResultKeeper.TestResult = testResult;
                //TestResultKeeper.Exception = testResult.TestFailureException;

                return new[] { testResult };



在 testrailpm.cs 代码是:

public class TestRailPM

    string testRailUrl = "https://test.testrail.io/";
    string testRailUser = "test@gmailcom";
    string testRailPassowrd = "test";
    int projectId = 1;
    int milestoneId = 1;
    int suiteId = 1;
    int testRailUserId = 1;
    string[] testCaseIds = { "12345", "21343" };

    public void testrail()
        //Create Test Run in TestRail
        //Pass "true" against 'includeAll' parameter to insert all test cases in a suite; "false" to add specific test case id
        string testRunID = CreateTestRun.CreateRun(testRailUrl, testRailUser, testRailPassowrd, projectId, suiteId, milestoneId, "Automation of TestCases", "Automation of TestCases", testRailUserId, false, testCaseIds);
        int testRunIdInInt = Convert.ToInt16(testRunID);

        //Get TestCases Ids of a Run

        int[] newTestRunCaseIds = GetTestCases.getTestCaseIds(testRailUrl, testRailUser, testRailPassowrd, testRunIdInInt, true);
        int[] originalTestCaseIds = GetTestCases.getTestCaseIds(testRailUrl, testRailUser, testRailPassowrd, testRunIdInInt, false);

        //Add Result for Single Test Case in a Test Run
        /* testCaseStatus int The ID of the test status. The built-in test rail statuses have the following IDs:
        1 Passed
        2 Blocked
        3 Untested (not allowed when adding a result)
        4 Retest
        5 Failed

        int singleTestCaseId = 716869;
        UpdateTestRun.updateSingleTestCaseInATestRun(testRailUrl, testRailUser, testRailPassowrd, testRunIdInInt, singleTestCaseId, TestContext.CurrentTestOutcome == UnitTestOutcome.Passed ? 1 : 5, "testCaseComments", testRailUserId);

        // Add Result for Multiple Test Cases in a Test Run at a time
        int[] testCaseIdsToUpdateResults = { 584003, 584004, 584005, 584006, 584007, 584008, 584009, 584075, 584076, 584213, 604458, 716869, 716870, 716871, 716872};
        int[] testCaseStatuses = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 };
        string[] testCaseComments = { "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed", "This case is passed"};
        UpdateTestRun.UpdateTestRunResults(testRailUrl, testRailUser, testRailPassowrd, testRunIdInInt, newTestRunCaseIds, testCaseStatuses, testCaseComments, testRailUserId);



我正在使用 MStest C#。我想要的只是运行我的主项目文件,AutomationCode.cs并且测试用例的结果将是“通过/失败”将保存在 TestRailpo.cs 文件testkeeperresult或任何其他属性中的变量或属性等中。当然,保存的结果可能是通过或失败,但这是主要的。我需要以 1 或 5 的数字形式传递该结果。1 表示通过,5 表示失败。这个结果我需要传入 TestRailpm.cs 文件Resultoftestcase

UpdateTestRun.updateSingleTestCaseInATestRun(testRailUrl, testRailUser, testRailPassowrd, testRunIdInInt, singleTestCaseId, Resultoftestcase, "testCaseComments", testRailUserId);

在 testcleanup 之前,我已将 TestRail.pm 文件中的 TestRail() 方法调用到 AutomationCode.cs,因为我想在执行单元测试用例后更新 TestRail。考虑到我的详细描述,请帮助我在代码中以 1 或 5 的形式在 testRail.pm 文件中传递结果。请指导我如何做到这一点以及需要进行哪些更改?


2 回答 2



public class AutomationCode
        private IWebDriver WDriver;
        private log4net.ILog Testlog;
        public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }

现在在您的 cleanup() 方法中添加以下代码,调用该方法将更新 TestRail 中的测试结果。像这样的东西:

        public void CleanUp()

            TestRailpm a = new TestRailPM();

            if (TestContext.CurrentTestOutcome.Equals(UnitTestOutcome.Passed))
                UTestResultKeeper.TestResult.Outcome = UnitTestOutcome.Passed;
                a.Resultoftestcase = "1";

            else if (TestContext.CurrentTestOutcome.Equals(UnitTestOutcome.Failed)|| TestContext.CurrentTestOutcome.Equals(UnitTestOutcome.Timeout)|| TestContext.CurrentTestOutcome.Equals(UnitTestOutcome.Inconclusive))
                TestResultKeeper.TestResult.Outcome = UnitTestOutcome.Failed;
                a.Resultoftestcase = "5";
            //now that TestReultKeeper is updated wi can call the API method to update the test rail

我不确定是否可以访问 TestRailpm.Resultoftestcase 属性,因为您没有共享整个代码,但我直接调用它来更新属性,然后在 Testrail 中更新结果。

让我知道如果这对您不起作用,我有一种更简单的方法来使用相同的 testrail API 更新 testrail 中的 testresult。

实现此目的的更简单方法是从此处下载 TestRail API 客户端,然后使用测试轨道 API 更新测试轨道测试用例

 public class UpdateTestResult
    /// <summary>
    /// Update the test result in testrail
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="serverUrl">e.g. "http://<server>/testrail/</param>
    /// <param name="userName">username to be used</param>
    /// <param name="userPassword">password of the user</param>
    /// <param name="testCaseID">testrail test case ID</param>
    /// <param name="testResult">stauts of the test. e.g. :1 is passed and 5 is failed.</param>
    public void UpdateResultInTestRail(string serverUrl, string userName, string userPassword, string testCaseID, int testResult)
        APIClient client = new APIClient("http://<server>/testrail/") { User = "userName", Password = "userPassword" };

        var data = new Dictionary<string, object>
                                { "status_id", testResult },
                                { "comment", "This test worked fine!" }

        client.SendPost("add_result/:"+ testCaseID, data);


    public void CleanUp()
        UpdateTestResult updateResult = new UpdateTestResult();
        if (TestContext.CurrentTestOutcome.Equals(UnitTestOutcome.Passed))
            updateResult.UpdateResultInTestRail("serverUrl", "username", "Password", "testcaseID", 1);
        else if (TestContext.CurrentTestOutcome.Equals(UnitTestOutcome.Failed)|| TestContext.CurrentTestOutcome.Equals(UnitTestOutcome.Timeout)|| TestContext.CurrentTestOutcome.Equals(UnitTestOutcome.Inconclusive))
            updateResult.UpdateResultInTestRail("serverUrl", "username", "Password", "testcaseID", 5);

要了解有关 testrail API 的更多信息,您可以参考此链接。对于 API 结果,您甚至可以参考此链接

于 2020-04-03T09:37:51.163 回答





if(TestContext.CurrentContext.Result.Outcome.Status == TestStatus.Passed) { .... }

对于 MSTest,将以下属性添加到您的测试类

public TestContext TestContext { get; set; } 


if(TestContext.CurrentTestOutcome == UnitTestOutcome.Passed) { .... }
于 2020-03-31T17:54:49.457 回答