我刚刚访问了谷歌的语言支持页面 https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/docs/languages 我发现情绪分析支持阿拉伯语(ar)。
当我尝试他们提到但使用阿拉伯语句子的教程时,它给了我一个错误,即 ar 不是受支持的语言。
from google.cloud import language_v1
from google.cloud.language_v1 import enums
import os
def sample_analyze_sentiment(text_content):
Analyzing Sentiment in a String
text_content The text content to analyze
client = language_v1.LanguageServiceClient()
#text_content = 'I am so happy and joyful.'
# Available types: PLAIN_TEXT, HTML
type_ = enums.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT
# Optional. If not specified, the language is automatically detected.
# For list of supported languages:
# https://cloud.google.com/natural-language/docs/languages
language = "ar"
document = {"content": text_content, "type": type_, "language": language}
# Available values: NONE, UTF8, UTF16, UTF32
encoding_type = enums.EncodingType.UTF8
response = client.analyze_sentiment(document, encoding_type=encoding_type)
# Get overall sentiment of the input document
print(u"Document sentiment score: {}".format(response.document_sentiment.score))
u"Document sentiment magnitude: {}".format(
# Get sentiment for all sentences in the document
for sentence in response.sentences:
print(u"Sentence text: {}".format(sentence.text.content))
print(u"Sentence sentiment score: {}".format(sentence.sentiment.score))
print(u"Sentence sentiment magnitude: {}".format(sentence.sentiment.magnitude))
# Get the language of the text, which will be the same as
# the language specified in the request or, if not specified,
# the automatically-detected language.
print(u"Language of the text: {}".format(response.language))
text_content = "اهلا وسهلا"