我这里只添加了一部分App功能。Codesandbox:https ://codesandbox.io/s/jolly-payne-dxs1d?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark 。
Cell: ({ row, rows, toggleRowExpanded }) =>
// Use the row.canExpand and row.getToggleRowExpandedProps prop getter
// to build the toggle for expanding a row
row.canExpand ? (
style: {
// We can even use the row.depth property
// and paddingLeft to indicate the depth
// of the row
paddingLeft: `${row.depth * 2}rem`
onClick: () => {
const expandedRow = rows.find(row => row.isExpanded);
if (expandedRow) {
const isSubItemOfRow = Boolean(
expandedRow && row.id.split(".")[0] === expandedRow.id
if (isSubItemOfRow) {
const expandedSubItem = expandedRow.subRows.find(
subRow => subRow.isExpanded
if (expandedSubItem) {
const isClickedOnExpandedSubItem =
expandedSubItem.id === row.id;
if (!isClickedOnExpandedSubItem) {
toggleRowExpanded(expandedSubItem.id, false);
} else {
toggleRowExpanded(expandedRow.id, false);
{row.isExpanded ? "" : ""}
) : null