I have read the discussion on how to create a DMG for Mac OS X using command-line tools and now I would like to go further: can I possibly produce a DMG which displays a different background image, based on the active language of the system?

I know there are tricks to display different folder names based on the active locale; but can this be extended to different backgrounds? It would be a pity to have to produce and distribute one DMG for every language our product supports, just to have a different background image.

Here are two background images I would like to use, in English:

Install Crésus (English version)

or in French:

Install Crésus (French version)


2 回答 2


我建议使用 DropDMG 进行应用分发:
http ://c-command.com/dropdmg/


于 2011-05-20T15:06:46.990 回答

我不知道情况是否发生了变化,但我知道在几年前,创建本地化 DMG 非常困难;我认为这意味着必须为每种支持的语言生成一个 DMG(对于高度本地化的项目来说显然很麻烦)。我参与了一些有同样问题的开源项目。我认为普遍的共识是设计一个背景来展示如何以图形方式复制应用程序而不是使用文字。这是 Adium 和 Firefox 等大型开源 Mac 项目所采用的方法。

于 2011-05-20T15:06:11.630 回答