您不能用视图绑定替换它。findNavController 不仅仅是在布局中查找视图。
* Find a {@link NavController} given a local {@link Fragment}.
* <p>This method will locate the {@link NavController} associated with this Fragment,
* looking first for a {@link NavHostFragment} along the given Fragment's parent chain.
* If a {@link NavController} is not found, this method will look for one along this
* Fragment's {@link Fragment#getView() view hierarchy} as specified by
* {@link Navigation#findNavController(View)}.</p>
* @param fragment the locally scoped Fragment for navigation
* @return the locally scoped {@link NavController} for navigating from this {@link Fragment}
* @throws IllegalStateException if the given Fragment does not correspond with a
* {@link NavHost} or is not within a NavHost.
public static NavController findNavController(@NonNull Fragment fragment) {
Fragment findFragment = fragment;
while (findFragment != null) {
if (findFragment instanceof NavHostFragment) {
return ((NavHostFragment) findFragment).getNavController();
Fragment primaryNavFragment = findFragment.getParentFragmentManager()
if (primaryNavFragment instanceof NavHostFragment) {
return ((NavHostFragment) primaryNavFragment).getNavController();
findFragment = findFragment.getParentFragment();
// Try looking for one associated with the view instead, if applicable
View view = fragment.getView();
if (view != null) {
return Navigation.findNavController(view);
throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment " + fragment
+ " does not have a NavController set");