听起来您正在触发学者机器人检测。从个人抓取 Google Scholar 的经验来看,45 秒足以避免 CAPTCHA 和 bot 检测。我的刮刀已经运行了 3 天以上而没有被发现。如果您确实被标记,等待大约 2 小时就足以重新开始。这是我的代码的摘录。.
class ScholarScrape():
def __init__(self):
self.page = None
self.last_url = None
self.last_time = time.time()
self.min_time_between_scrape = int(ConfigFile.instance().config.get('scholar','bot_avoidance_time'))
self.header = {'User-Agent':ConfigFile.instance().config.get('scholar','user_agent')}
self.session = requests.Session()
def search(self, query=None, year_lo=None, year_hi=None, title_only=False, publication_string=None, author_string=None, include_citations=True, include_patents=True):
url = self.get_url(query, year_lo, year_hi, title_only, publication_string, author_string, include_citations, include_patents)
while True:
wait_time = self.min_time_between_scrape - (time.time() - self.last_time)
if wait_time > 0:
logger.info("Delaying search by {} seconds to avoid bot detection.".format(wait_time))
self.last_time = time.time()
logger.info("SCHOLARSCRAPE: " + url)
self.page = BeautifulSoup(self.session.get(url, headers=self.header).text, 'html.parser')
self.last_url = url
if "Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network" in str(self.page):
raise BotDetectionException("Google has blocked this computer for a short time because it has detected this scraping script.")
def get_url(self, query=None, year_lo=None, year_hi=None, title_only=False, publication_string=None, author_string=None, include_citations=True, include_patents=True):
base_url = "https://scholar.google.com.au/scholar?"
url = base_url + "as_q=" + urllib.parse.quote(query)
if year_lo is not None and bool(re.match(r'.*([1-3][0-9]{3})', str(year_lo))):
url += "&as_ylo=" + str(year_lo)
if year_hi is not None and bool(re.match(r'.*([1-3][0-9]{3})', str(year_hi))):
url += "&as_yhi=" + str(year_hi)
if title_only:
url += "&as_yhi=title"
url += "&as_yhi=any"
if publication_string is not None:
url += "&as_publication=" + urllib.parse.quote('"' + str(publication_string) + '"')
if author_string is not None:
url += "&as_sauthors=" + urllib.parse.quote('"' + str(author_string) + '"')
if include_citations:
url += "&as_vis=0"
url += "&as_vis=1"
if include_patents:
url += "&as_sdt=0"
url += "&as_sdt=1"
return url
def get_results_count(self):
e = self.page.findAll("div", {"class": "gs_ab_mdw"})
item = e[1].text.strip()
except IndexError as ex:
if "Our systems have detected unusual traffic from your computer network" in str(self.page):
raise BotDetectionException("Google has blocked this computer for a short time because it has detected this scraping script.")
raise ex
if self.has_numbers(item):
return self.get_results_count_from_soup_string(item)
for item in e:
item = item.text.strip()
if self.has_numbers(item):
return self.get_results_count_from_soup_string(item)
return 0
def get_results_count_from_soup_string(element):
if "About" in element:
num = element.split(" ")[1].strip().replace(",","")
num = element.split(" ")[0].strip().replace(",","")
return num
def has_numbers(input_string):
return any(char.isdigit() for char in input_string)
class BotDetectionException(Exception):
if __name__ == "__main__":
s = ScholarScrape()
"query":"\"policy shaping\"",
# "publication_string":"JMLR",
"author_string": "gilboa",
"year_lo": "1995",
"year_hi": "2005",
x = s.get_results_count()