我正在使用 semPaths(semPlot 包)来绘制我的结构方程模型。经过反复试验,我有了一个很好的脚本来展示我想要的东西。除了,我无法弄清楚如何在图中包含估计/回归系数的 p 值/显着性水平。

我可以/如何将显着性水平包括在估计值下方的边缘标签中的 p 值或作为不显着性的虚线或......?我也有兴趣包括 R 方,但不如显着性水平那么重要。


     what = "std",
     whatLabels = "std",
     edge.label.cex = 1.3,
     layout = 'tree',
     nodeLabels = c("Negati-\nvicutes","cand_class\n_MB_A2_108", "CO2", "Bacilli","Ignavi-\nbacteria","C/N", "pH","Water\ncontent"),
     sizeMan=7 )

SemPath 输出之一的示例 SemPath 输出之一的示例


  • Ignavibacteria -> First_C_CO2_ugC_gC_day,p = 0.096
  • pH -> Ignavibacteria,p = 0.151
  • cand_class_MB_A2_108 <-> 杆菌相关性,p = 0.054

我是一个 R 用户,而不是真正的编码员,所以我可能只是错过了论点中的一个关键点。


更新:使用 semPlotModel:我理解 semPlotModel 不包括 sem 函数的显着性水平是否正确(请参阅下面的脚本和输出)?我特别希望将 P(>|z|) 包括在回归和协方差中。只是我缺少那个,还是不包括在内?如果不包括在内,我的解决方案只是自定义边缘标签。

    {model.NA.UP.bac.class2 <- '



  #soil organic carbon quality

  c_Negativicutes ~ CN  

  First_C_CO2_ugC_gC_day    ~ c_Bacilli
  First_C_CO2_ugC_gC_day    ~ c_Ignavibacteria
  First_C_CO2_ugC_gC_day    ~ c_cand_class_MB_A2_108
  First_C_CO2_ugC_gC_day    ~ c_Negativicutes

  c_Bacilli            ~pH
  c_Ignavibacteria    ~pH
  c_Negativicutes     ~pH

  initial_water       ~~ CN
  c_cand_class_MB_A2_108 ~~ c_Bacilli 


  fitmod.bac.class2 <- sem(model.NA.UP.bac.class2, data=datapNA.UP.log, missing="ml", meanstructure=TRUE, fixed.x=FALSE, std.lv=FALSE, std.ov=FALSE)
  summary(fitmod.bac.class2, standardized=TRUE, fit.measures=TRUE, rsq=TRUE)

  out <- capture.output(summary(fitmod.bac.class2, standardized=TRUE, fit.measures=TRUE, rsq=TRUE))


  lavaan 0.6-5 ended normally after 188 iterations

  Estimator                                         ML
  Optimization method                           NLMINB
  Number of free parameters                         28

  Number of observations                            30
  Number of missing patterns                         1

Model Test User Model:

  Test statistic                                17.816
  Degrees of freedom                                16
  P-value (Chi-square)                           0.335

Model Test Baseline Model:

  Test statistic                               101.570
  Degrees of freedom                                28
  P-value                                        0.000

User Model versus Baseline Model:

  Comparative Fit Index (CFI)                    0.975
  Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI)                       0.957

Loglikelihood and Information Criteria:

  Loglikelihood user model (H0)                472.465
  Loglikelihood unrestricted model (H1)        481.373

  Akaike (AIC)                                -888.930
  Bayesian (BIC)                              -849.697
  Sample-size adjusted Bayesian (BIC)         -936.875

Root Mean Square Error of Approximation:

  RMSEA                                          0.062
  90 Percent confidence interval - lower         0.000
  90 Percent confidence interval - upper         0.185
  P-value RMSEA <= 0.05                          0.414

Standardized Root Mean Square Residual:

  SRMR                                           0.107

Parameter Estimates:

  Information                                 Observed
  Observed information based on                Hessian
  Standard errors                             Standard

                           Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Std.lv  Std.all
  c_Negativicutes ~                                                             
    CN                        0.419    0.143    2.939    0.003    0.419    0.416
  c_cand_class_MB_A2_108 ~                                                      
    CN                       -0.433    0.160   -2.707    0.007   -0.433   -0.394
  First_C_CO2_ugC_gC_day ~                                                      
    c_Bacilli                 0.525    0.128    4.092    0.000    0.525    0.496
    c_Ignavibacter            0.207    0.124    1.667    0.096    0.207    0.195
    c_c__MB_A2_108            0.310    0.125    2.475    0.013    0.310    0.301
    c_Negativicuts            0.304    0.137    2.220    0.026    0.304    0.271
  c_Bacilli ~                                                                   
    pH                        0.624    0.135    4.604    0.000    0.624    0.643
  c_Ignavibacteria ~                                                            
    pH                        0.245    0.171    1.436    0.151    0.245    0.254
  c_cand_class_MB_A2_108 ~                                                      
    pH                        0.393    0.151    2.597    0.009    0.393    0.394
  c_Negativicutes ~                                                             
    pH                        0.435    0.129    3.361    0.001    0.435    0.476

                            Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Std.lv  Std.all
  CN ~~                                                                          
    initial_water              0.001    0.000    2.679    0.007    0.001    0.561
 .c_cand_class_MB_A2_108 ~~                                                      
   .c_Bacilli                 -0.000    0.000   -1.923    0.054   -0.000   -0.388

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Std.lv  Std.all
   .c_Negativicuts    0.145    0.198    0.734    0.463    0.145    3.826
   .c_c__MB_A2_108    1.038    0.226    4.594    0.000    1.038   25.076
   .Frs_C_CO2_C_C_   -0.346    0.233   -1.485    0.137   -0.346   -8.115
   .c_Bacilli         0.376    0.135    2.778    0.005    0.376    9.340
   .c_Ignavibacter    0.754    0.170    4.424    0.000    0.754   18.796
    CN                0.998    0.007  145.158    0.000    0.998   26.502
    pH                0.998    0.008  131.642    0.000    0.998   24.034
    initial_water     0.998    0.008  125.994    0.000    0.998   23.003

                   Estimate  Std.Err  z-value  P(>|z|)   Std.lv  Std.all
   .c_Negativicuts    0.001    0.000    3.873    0.000    0.001    0.600
   .c_c__MB_A2_108    0.001    0.000    3.833    0.000    0.001    0.689
   .Frs_C_CO2_C_C_    0.001    0.000    3.873    0.000    0.001    0.408
   .c_Bacilli         0.001    0.000    3.873    0.000    0.001    0.586
   .c_Ignavibacter    0.002    0.000    3.873    0.000    0.002    0.936
    CN                0.001    0.000    3.873    0.000    0.001    1.000
    initial_water     0.002    0.000    3.873    0.000    0.002    1.000
    pH                0.002    0.000    3.873    0.000    0.002    1.000

    c_Negativicuts    0.400
    c_c__MB_A2_108    0.311
    Frs_C_CO2_C_C_    0.592
    c_Bacilli         0.414
    c_Ignavibacter    0.064

Warning message:
In lav_model_hessian(lavmodel = lavmodel, lavsamplestats = lavsamplestats,  :
  lavaan WARNING: Hessian is not fully symmetric. Max diff = 5.15131396241486e-05

3 回答 3




modFile <- tempfile(fileext = '.OUT')
download.file('http://sachaepskamp.com/files/mi1.OUT', modFile)


运行后semPlotModel,该对象有一个元素x@Pars,其中包含边缘、节点以及std在您的案例中用于边缘标签的元素。semPaths还有一个参数允许您制作自定义边缘标签,因此您可以从中获取所需的数据x@Pars并添加您的 p 值:

x <- semPlotModel(modFile)
#                     label    lhs edge    rhs    est       std   group fixed par
# 1        lambda[11]^{(y)} perfIQ   ->     pc  1.000 0.6219648 Group 1  TRUE   0
# 2        lambda[21]^{(y)} perfIQ   ->     pa  0.923 0.5664888 Group 1 FALSE   1
# 3        lambda[31]^{(y)} perfIQ   ->     oa  1.098 0.6550159 Group 1 FALSE   2
# 4        lambda[41]^{(y)} perfIQ   ->     ma  0.784 0.4609990 Group 1 FALSE   3
# 5   theta[11]^{(epsilon)}     pc  <->     pc  5.088 0.6131598 Group 1 FALSE   5
# 10  theta[22]^{(epsilon)}     pa  <->     pa  5.787 0.6790905 Group 1 FALSE   6
# 15  theta[33]^{(epsilon)}     oa  <->     oa  5.150 0.5709541 Group 1 FALSE   7
# 20  theta[44]^{(epsilon)}     ma  <->     ma  7.311 0.7874800 Group 1 FALSE   8
# 21                psi[11] perfIQ  <-> perfIQ  3.210 1.0000000 Group 1 FALSE   4
# 22           tau[1]^{(y)}         int     pc 10.500        NA Group 1 FALSE   9
# 23           tau[2]^{(y)}         int     pa 10.374        NA Group 1 FALSE  10
# 24           tau[3]^{(y)}         int     oa 10.663        NA Group 1 FALSE  11
# 25           tau[4]^{(y)}         int     ma 10.371        NA Group 1 FALSE  12
# 11       lambda[11]^{(y)} perfIQ   ->     pc  1.000 0.6515609 Group 2  TRUE   0
# 27       lambda[21]^{(y)} perfIQ   ->     pa  0.923 0.5876948 Group 2 FALSE   1
# 31       lambda[31]^{(y)} perfIQ   ->     oa  1.098 0.6981974 Group 2 FALSE   2
# 41       lambda[41]^{(y)} perfIQ   ->     ma  0.784 0.4621919 Group 2 FALSE   3
# 51  theta[11]^{(epsilon)}     pc  <->     pc  5.006 0.5754684 Group 2 FALSE  14
# 101 theta[22]^{(epsilon)}     pa  <->     pa  5.963 0.6546148 Group 2 FALSE  15
# 151 theta[33]^{(epsilon)}     oa  <->     oa  4.681 0.5125204 Group 2 FALSE  16
# 201 theta[44]^{(epsilon)}     ma  <->     ma  8.356 0.7863786 Group 2 FALSE  17
# 211               psi[11] perfIQ  <-> perfIQ  3.693 1.0000000 Group 2 FALSE  13
# 221          tau[1]^{(y)}         int     pc 10.500        NA Group 2 FALSE   9
# 231          tau[2]^{(y)}         int     pa 10.374        NA Group 2 FALSE  10
# 241          tau[3]^{(y)}         int     oa 10.663        NA Group 2 FALSE  11
# 251          tau[4]^{(y)}         int     ma 10.371        NA Group 2 FALSE  12
# 26               alpha[1]         int perfIQ -2.469        NA Group 2 FALSE  18

正如您所看到的,边缘标签比绘制的标签多,而且我不知道它如何选择使用哪个,所以我只从每组中取前四个(因为显示了四个边缘并且stds 匹配那些.也许有一个选项来绘制所有这些或选择你需要的——我还没有阅读文档。

## take first four stds from each group, generate some p-values
l <- sapply(split(x@Pars$std, x@Pars$group), function(x) head(x, 4))
l <- sprintf('%.3f, p=%s', l, format.pval(runif(length(l)), digits = 2))
# [1] "0.622, p=0.27" "0.566, p=0.37" "0.655, p=0.57" "0.461, p=0.91" "0.652, p=0.20" "0.588, p=0.90" "0.698, p=0.94" "0.462, p=0.66"

然后你可以用你的新标签绘制对象,edgeLabels = l

  edgeLabels = l,
  ask = FALSE, title = FALSE,
  what = 'std',
  whatLabels = 'std',
  style = 'ram',
  edge.label.cex = 1.3,
  layout = 'tree',
  intercepts = FALSE,
  residuals = FALSE,
  sizeMan = 7 


于 2020-03-16T14:30:04.823 回答

在@rawr 的帮助下,我已经解决了。如果其他人需要在他们的 semPaths 中包含来自 Lavaan 的估计值和 p 值,那么可以这样做。

#extracting the parameters from the sem model and selecting the interactions relevant for the semPaths (here, I need 12 estimates and p-values)
table2<-parameterEstimates(fitmod.bac.class2,standardized=TRUE)  %>%  head(12)

#turning the chosen parameters into text
b<-gettextf('%.3f \n p=%.3f', table2$std.all, digits=table2$pvalue)

老实说,我不明白最后一点脚本是如何工作的。这是在经过大量试验和错误之前从 rawr 的答案中复制的,直到它起作用。可能(很可能)有更好的方法来编写它,但它有效:)

#putting that list into edgeLabels in sempaths
         what = "std",
         edgeLabels = b,
         edge.label.cex = 1,
         layout = 'tree',
         nodeLabels = c("Negati-\nvicutes","cand_class\n_MB_A2_108", "CO2", "Bacilli","Ignavi-\nbacteria","C/N", "pH","Water\ncontent"),


于 2020-03-17T16:21:40.167 回答


我们可以从提取的参数表中排除 lhs 和 rhs 不相等的那些行。

#extracting the parameters from the sem model and selecting the interactions relevant for the semPaths 

如果公式还包含额外的行,如带有 ':=' 的那些也将包含参数表,并且应该被删除。


#turning the chosen parameters into text
b<-gettextf('%.3f \n p=%.3f', table2$std.all, digits=table2$pvalue)
#putting that list into edgeLabels in sempaths
         what = "std",
         edgeLabels = b,
         edge.label.cex = 1,
         layout = 'tree',
         nodeLabels = c("Negati-\nvicutes","cand_class\n_MB_A2_108", "CO2", "Bacilli","Ignavi-\nbacteria","C/N", "pH","Water\ncontent"),
于 2020-06-18T02:11:43.047 回答