嗨,我有 2 个函数可以在 Base64 中对数据包进行编码。但是客户端无法与服务器连接。可能是编码和解码有问题。这两个程序可能无法结合使用。这是用于从 Android Java 代码进行 Base64 编码后发送 TCP 数据包并在 C 中接收和解码。
我们正在使用 ToyVPN Android 客户端和 ToyVPNServer。链接在这里- https://github.com/LipiLee/ToyVpn和https://github.com/LipiLee/ToyVpnServer 这是用于编码的 Java 代码-
public final static byte[] ALPHABET =
{(byte) 'A', (byte) 'B', (byte) 'C', (byte) 'D', (byte) 'E', (byte) 'F',
(byte) 'G', (byte) 'H', (byte) 'I', (byte) 'J', (byte) 'K',
(byte) 'L', (byte) 'M', (byte) 'N', (byte) 'O', (byte) 'P',
(byte) 'Q', (byte) 'R', (byte) 'S', (byte) 'T', (byte) 'U',
(byte) 'V', (byte) 'W', (byte) 'X', (byte) 'Y', (byte) 'Z',
(byte) 'a', (byte) 'b', (byte) 'c', (byte) 'd', (byte) 'e',
(byte) 'f', (byte) 'g', (byte) 'h', (byte) 'i', (byte) 'j',
(byte) 'k', (byte) 'l', (byte) 'm', (byte) 'n', (byte) 'o',
(byte) 'p', (byte) 'q', (byte) 'r', (byte) 's', (byte) 't',
(byte) 'u', (byte) 'v', (byte) 'w', (byte) 'x', (byte) 'y',
(byte) 'z', (byte) '0', (byte) '1', (byte) '2', (byte) '3',
(byte) '4', (byte) '5', (byte) '6', (byte) '7', (byte) '8',
(byte) '9', (byte) '+', (byte) '/'};
* The 64 valid web safe Base64 values.
public static byte[] encode(byte[] source, int off, int len, byte[] alphabet,
int maxLineLength) {
int lenDiv3 = (len + 2) / 3; // ceil(len / 3)
int len43 = lenDiv3 * 4;
byte[] outBuff = new byte[len43 // Main 4:3
+ (len43 / maxLineLength)]; // New lines
int d = 0;
int e = 0;
int len2 = len - 2;
int lineLength = 0;
for (; d < len2; d += 3, e += 4) {
// The following block of code is the same as
// encode3to4( source, d + off, 3, outBuff, e, alphabet );
// but inlined for faster encoding (~20% improvement)
int inBuff =
((source[d + off] << 24) >>> 8)
| ((source[d + 1 + off] << 24) >>> 16)
| ((source[d + 2 + off] << 24) >>> 24);
outBuff[e] = alphabet[(inBuff >>> 18)];
outBuff[e + 1] = alphabet[(inBuff >>> 12) & 0x3f];
outBuff[e + 2] = alphabet[(inBuff >>> 6) & 0x3f];
outBuff[e + 3] = alphabet[(inBuff) & 0x3f];
lineLength += 4;
if (lineLength == maxLineLength) {
outBuff[e + 4] = NEW_LINE;
lineLength = 0;
} // end if: end of line
} // end for: each piece of array
if (d < len) {
encode3to4(source, d + off, len - d, outBuff, e, alphabet);
lineLength += 4;
if (lineLength == maxLineLength) {
// Add a last newline
outBuff[e + 4] = NEW_LINE;
e += 4;
assert (e == outBuff.length);
return outBuff;
这是用于解码的 C 代码,它使用与 Java 编码字母相同的解码字母。
//Base64 char table - used internally for encoding
unsigned char b64_chr[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
unsigned int b64_int(unsigned int ch) {
// ASCII to base64_int
// 65-90 Upper Case >> 0-25
// 97-122 Lower Case >> 26-51
// 48-57 Numbers >> 52-61
// 43 Plus (+) >> 62
// 47 Slash (/) >> 63
// 61 Equal (=) >> 64~
if (ch==43)
return 62;
if (ch==47)
return 63;
if (ch==61)
return 64;
if ((ch>47) && (ch<58))
return ch + 4;
if ((ch>64) && (ch<91))
return ch - 'A';
if ((ch>96) && (ch<123))
return (ch - 'a') + 26;
return 0;
unsigned int b64_decode(unsigned char* in, unsigned int in_len, unsigned char* out) {
unsigned int i=0, j=0, k=0, s[4];
for (i=0;i<in_len;i++) {
if (j==4) {
out[k+0] = ((s[0]&255)<<2)+((s[1]&0x30)>>4);
if (s[2]!=64) {
out[k+1] = ((s[1]&0x0F)<<4)+((s[2]&0x3C)>>2);
if ((s[3]!=64)) {
out[k+2] = ((s[2]&0x03)<<6)+(s[3]); k+=3;
} else {
} else {
return k;