我正在 Linux 中编写一个 C,分叉一个父级和 N 个子级。Parent 接受 sqrt(ArraySize) ,其余部分平均分配给 N 个孩子。
我怎样才能将数组的其余部分平均分配给 N 个孩子?\
int arraySize = 100; // You would get a count from the array here
int nChildren = 5; // This would be provided by you as a parameter to this function
int parentSize = sqrt(arraySize);
int remainder = arraySize - parentSize;
int nChildSize = (remainder / nChildren) + 1
Decide size of share for each child, also determine what to do with any "remainder"
For each child
allocate an array sufficient to hold the required number of value
populate the array