我在 Blackberry 5.0 SDK 中实现条形码扫描时遇到了困难,因为我正在互联网上进行深度搜索,但没有发现任何线索。


 public class BitmapLuminanceSource extends LuminanceSource {

    private final Bitmap bitmap;

    public BitmapLuminanceSource(Bitmap bitmap){
        this.bitmap = bitmap;

    public byte[] getRow(int y, byte[] row) {
                //how to implement this method
        return null;

    public byte[] getMatrix() {
                //how to implement this method
        return null;

2 回答 2


好吧,javadoc inLuminanceSource告诉你它返回了什么。你有这样PlanarYUVLuminanceSource的实现android/,向你展示了它的一个例子。你有没有看过这些?


于 2011-05-20T07:22:29.777 回答


这是 BitmapLuminanceSource 实现

import net.rim.device.api.system.Bitmap;

import com.google.zxing.LuminanceSource;

public class BitmapLuminanceSource extends LuminanceSource {

private final Bitmap bitmap;
private byte[] matrix;

public BitmapLuminanceSource(Bitmap bitmap) {
    super(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight());
    int width = bitmap.getWidth();
    int height = bitmap.getHeight();

    this.bitmap = bitmap;

    int area = width * height;
    matrix = new byte[area];
    int[] rgb = new int[area];

    bitmap.getARGB(rgb, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);

    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        int offset = y * width;
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
            int pixel = rgb[offset + x];
            int luminance = (306 * ((pixel >> 16) & 0xFF) + 601
                    * ((pixel >> 8) & 0xFF) + 117 * (pixel & 0xFF)) >> 10;
            matrix[offset + x] = (byte) luminance;

    rgb = null;


public byte[] getRow(int y, byte[] row) {
    if (y < 0 || y >= getHeight()) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                "Requested row is outside the image: " + y);

    int width = getWidth();
    if (row == null || row.length < width) {
        row = new byte[width];

    int offset = y * width;
    System.arraycopy(this.matrix, offset, row, 0, width);

    return row;

public byte[] getMatrix() {
    return matrix;


我将 com.google.zxing(条形码编码/解码库)添加到我的项目中

于 2011-05-21T05:25:38.457 回答