我目前正在使用Adafruit Feather M0微处理器进行低功耗项目。我的项目的一个要求是能够使 CPU 休眠并使用从 MPU6050 加速度计触发的外部中断再次唤醒它。

我已经从 GitHub 测试了以下代码示例 - 它成功运行!我需要回答的问题是如何更改此示例代码以在羽毛的引脚 13 上工作,而不是在引脚 6 上工作。

#define interruptPin 6
volatile bool SLEEP_FLAG;

void EIC_ISR(void) {
  SLEEP_FLAG ^= true;  // toggle SLEEP_FLAG by XORing it against true
  //Serial.print("EIC_ISR SLEEP_FLAG = ");

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  delay(3000); // wait for console opening

  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(interruptPin), EIC_ISR, CHANGE);  // Attach interrupt to pin 6 with an ISR and when the pin state CHANGEs

  SYSCTRL->XOSC32K.reg |=  (SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_RUNSTDBY | SYSCTRL_XOSC32K_ONDEMAND); // set external 32k oscillator to run when idle or sleep mode is chosen
  REG_GCLK_CLKCTRL  |= GCLK_CLKCTRL_ID(GCM_EIC) |  // generic clock multiplexer id for the external interrupt controller
                       GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK1 |  // generic clock 1 which is xosc32k
                       GCLK_CLKCTRL_CLKEN;       // enable it
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // write protected, wait for sync

  EIC->WAKEUP.reg |= EIC_WAKEUP_WAKEUPEN4;      // Set External Interrupt Controller to use channel 4 (pin 6)

  PM->SLEEP.reg |= PM_SLEEP_IDLE_CPU;  // Enable Idle0 mode - sleep CPU clock only
  //PM->SLEEP.reg |= PM_SLEEP_IDLE_AHB; // Idle1 - sleep CPU and AHB clocks
  //PM->SLEEP.reg |= PM_SLEEP_IDLE_APB; // Idle2 - sleep CPU, AHB, and APB clocks

  // It is either Idle mode or Standby mode, not both. 
  SCB->SCR |= SCB_SCR_SLEEPDEEP_Msk;   // Enable Standby or "deep sleep" mode

  SLEEP_FLAG = false; // begin awake

  // Built-in LED set to output and high
  PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPort].DIRSET.reg = (uint32_t)(1<<g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPin);  // set pin direction to output
  PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPort].OUTSET.reg = (uint32_t)(1<<g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPin); // set pin mode to high

  Serial.println("Setup() Run!");

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  if (SLEEP_FLAG == true) {
    PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPort].OUTCLR.reg = (uint32_t)(1<<g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPin); // set pin mode to low
    Serial.println("I'm going to sleep now.");
    __WFI();  // wake from interrupt
    SLEEP_FLAG = false;
    Serial.println("Ok, I'm awake");
  //Serial.print("SLEEP_FLAG = ");
  PORT->Group[g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPort].OUTTGL.reg = (uint32_t)(1<<g_APinDescription[LED_BUILTIN].ulPin);  // toggle output of built-in LED pin


根据引脚分配图和 Atmel 数据表,我正在努力找出要进行哪些更改以允许引脚 13 以与引脚 6 相同的方式工作。

爱特梅尔数据表 Feather M0 引脚图


#define interruptPin 13
EIC->WAKEUP.reg |= EIC_WAKEUP_WAKEUPEN1;      // Set External Interrupt Controller to use channel 4 (pin 6)

由于引脚图上引脚 13 旁边的 ENINT^1,我怀疑通道 1 (WAKEUPEN1)。但这不起作用,代码引脚操作没有表现出与引脚 6 设置相同的行为。

对于如何在 Pin 13 上实现此代码的任何建议,我将不胜感激。非常感谢您的支持。


1 回答 1



除此之外,引脚输出显示引脚 13 是内置 LED 线,您可以在代码中的多个位置操作 LED_BUILTIN。这几乎肯定与您尝试使用 13 作为中断线相冲突。

于 2020-09-02T16:48:56.520 回答