我对 JavaScript 比较陌生,在过去几周里花了很多时间在日期和时间教程上,但是对于我的抽象时钟项目,只有一件事我根本无法弄清楚:让我的 div 的 offsetHeight 同步到当前时间以秒为单位。

我希望时钟显示当前时间(给或花几分钟,时间在 .paragraphs 中以 15 分钟为增量)。

我有#time,我希望通过 offsetHeight 向上滚动,将当前时间放在这个小窗口中。时间以 15 分钟为增量,因此准确性不是这里的目标,但无论我何时打开页面,我都会看到“午夜”并从那里开始向上滚动。

我已经尝试为关键帧 * 百分比添加延迟,但我似乎仍然无法弄清楚。我也尝试过让#progress 推高#time,但这对我也不起作用。





// total height of time section
var times = document.getElementById("times")
var timesTotalHeight = times.offsetHeight;

setInterval(function() {
  var myDate = new Date;
  var hoursInSeconds = myDate.getHours() * 60 * 60;
  var minutesInSeconds = myDate.getMinutes() * 60;
  var seconds = myDate.getSeconds() + minutesInSeconds + hoursInSeconds;

  //time is sped up x10 
  var percentage = seconds;
  times.style.height = Math.round(timesTotalHeight * percentage) + "px";
  // times.style.keyframes.animationDelay = (seconds * percentage) + "px";

}, 1000)
body {
  background-color: white;
  /*	overflow: hidden;*/
  margin: 0 auto;

/*#progress position:fixed or absolute, but doesn't push #times up inside as a child or its own class?

    #progress {
    			width: 200px;
    			background-color: blue;
    			position: absolute;
    			left: 10px;
    			height: 1px;
    			top: 0;

.container2 {
  width: 88vw;
  background-color: white;
  height: 13vw;
  position: relative;
  margin: 0 auto;
  margin-top: 20vw;

.container:before {
  width: 88vw;
  height: 13vw;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: black;
  border-width: 5px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  box-shadow: inset 0 0 20px black;
  pointer-events: none;

.container {
  clip-path: inset(1% 1% 1% 1%);
  clip-path-position: fixed;
  width: 91vw;
  position: relative;
  height: 13.8vw;
  margin: 0 auto;
  overflow: hidden;

#times {
  font-family: "Happy Times at the IKOB";
  text-align: center;
  position: relative;
  font-size: 7.8vw;
  line-height: 4vw;
  margin: 0 auto;
  /*	-webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px;
    	-webkit-text-stroke-color: black;*/
  color: black;
  animation-name: upwards;
  animation-duration: 3600s;
  animation-delay: ;
  z-index: -1;
  /*height: 100vw;*/

/*.times li { line-height: 50px; width: 100vw;
    			 } */

@keyframes upwards {
  0% {
    transform: translateY(0);
  100% {
    transform: translateY(-100vw);
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/clock2.css">


  <div class="container2">
    <div class="container">
      <div id="times">
        <p>Twelve fifteen</p>
        <p>Half past twelve</p>
        <p>Quarter til one</p>
        <p>One O'Clock</p>
        <p>Quarter past one</p>
        <p>One thirty in the morning</p>
        <p>Twelve thirty AM</p>
        <p>Two in the morning</p>
        <p>Quarter past two</p>
        <p>Half past two</p>
        <p>Two forty-five</p>
        <p>Three in the morning</p>
        <p>Three fifteen</p>
        <p>Three thirty AM</p>
        <p>Quarter til four</p>
        <p>Four in the morning</p>
        <p>Four fifteen</p>
        <p>Four thirty AM</p>
        <p>Four forty five in the morning</p>
        <p>Five AM</p>
        <p>Quarter past five</p>
        <p>Five thirty</p>
        <p>Five forty five AM</p>
        <p>Six in the morning</p>
        <p>Six fifteen in the morning</p>
        <p>Six thirty AM</p>
        <p>Quarter til seven</p>
        <p>Seven in the morning</p>
        <p>Seven fifteen AM</p>
        <p>Seven thirty in the morning</p>
        <p>Seven forty five</p>
        <p>Eight in the morning</p>
        <p>Quarter past eight</p>
        <p>Eight thirty AM</p>
        <p>Quarter til nine</p>
        <p>Nine in the morning</p>
        <p>Nine fifteen</p>
        <p>Half past nine</p>
        <p>Nine forty five</p>
        <p>Ten in the morning</p>
        <p>Quarter past ten</p>
        <p>Half past ten</p>
        <p>Quarter til eleven</p>
        <p>Eleven in the morning</p>
        <p>Eleven fifteen</p>
        <p>Half past eleven</p>
        <p>Quarter til noon</p>
        <p>Twelve O'Clock</p>
        <p>Twelve fifteen</p>
        <p>Half past twelve</p>
        <p>Quarter til one</p>
        <p>One O'Clock</p>
        <p>Quarter past one</p>
        <p>One thirty in the afternoon</p>
        <p>Twelve thirty PM</p>
        <p>Two in the afternoon</p>
        <p>Quarter past two</p>
        <p>Half past two</p>
        <p>Two forty-five</p>
        <p>Three in the afternoon</p>
        <p>Three fifteen</p>
        <p>Three thirty PM</p>
        <p>Quarter til four</p>
        <p>Four in the afternoon</p>
        <p>Four fifteen</p>
        <p>Four thirty PM</p>
        <p>Half past four</p>
        <p>Five PM</p>
        <p>Quarter past five</p>
        <p>Five thirty</p>
        <p>Five forty five PM</p>
        <p>Six in the evening</p>
        <p>Quarter past six</p>
        <p>Six thirty PM</p>
        <p>Quarter til seven</p>
        <p>Seven in the evening</p>
        <p>Seven fifteen</p>
        <p>Seven thirty in the evening</p>
        <p>Seven forty five</p>
        <p>Eight in the evening</p>
        <p>Quarter past eight</p>
        <p>Eight thirty at night</p>
        <p>Quarter til nine</p>
        <p>Nine at night</p>
        <p>Nine fifteen</p>
        <p>Half past nine</p>
        <p>Nine forty five</p>
        <p>Ten in the evening</p>
        <p>Quarter past ten</p>
        <p>Ten thirty at night</p>
        <p>Quarter til eleven</p>
        <p>Eleven O'Clock</p>
        <p>Eleven fifteen</p>
        <p>Half past eleven</p>
        <p>Eleven forty five</p>
  <div id="progress"></div>

  <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/clock2.js"></script>



2 回答 2



elapsedSeconds / secondsInDay * containerHeight


一个问题是,在夏令时边界上,日子不是 24 小时长,因此秒并不是真正的常数,并且在每年的这两天,显示的时间对于一整天都不会正确。无论如何,以下只是显示方法,我将留给您调整您的代码以适应。

// Generate times
function getTimes(){
  let mins = ['00','15','30','45'];
  let times = [];
  for (let i=0; i<=24; i++) {
    for (let j=0; j<mins.length; j++) {
      times.push(i + ':' + mins[j]);
  return '<p>' + times.join('<p>') + '<p>00:00';
// Insert times into container
let c1 = document.getElementById('container1')
c1.innerHTML = getTimes();

!function() {

  // Height of container1
  let c1style = window.getComputedStyle(c1);
  let c1Height = c1style.getPropertyValue('height');
  // console.log(c1Height);
  // Seconds in day
  const secsInDay = 8.64e4;

  let adjust = ()=>{
    let secsNow = (new Date() - new Date().setHours(0,0,0,0)) / 1000 | 0;
    // Adjust offset by proportion of seconds that have elapsed
    let offTop = secsNow / secsInDay * parseInt(c1Height) * -1 | 0;
    c1.style.top = offTop + 11 + 'px';
  setInterval(adjust, 10000);
#container0 {
  border: 1px solid green;
  height: 20px;
  overflow: hidden;
#container1 {
  position: relative;

#container1 p {
  height: 0;
  color: blue;
  position: relative;
<div id="container0">
  <div id="container1">

间隔大约是 10 秒,我看不出有任何理由更频繁地运行它。如果setInterval漂移,它也会自动调整,因为它会。

于 2020-03-11T00:22:16.657 回答

我会重新排列您的代码,其中一个函数可以检查现在时间与p您在 HTML 中的标签。添加data-time属性之类的内容以了解要检查的内容,然后获取正确p标签的位置以用于times元素的转换位置。


  • 我添加了一个函数来将当前时间四舍五入到最近的一刻钟,因为无论如何你都在尝试这样做
  • 对于样式,我还添加了一个超时,以防止times元素在初始加载时加载,直到changeTime函数有时间在页面加载时触发。

let times = document.getElementById("times")

// Delay time loading so it can run time check function first
setTimeout(function() {
  times.style.opacity = '1';
}, 100);

// Round time to see what quarter hour we are nearest
let roundTime = (hours, minutes, minutesToRound) => {

  // Convert hours and minutes to minutes
  time = (hours * 60) + minutes;
  let rounded = Math.round(time / minutesToRound) * minutesToRound;

  let roundedHours = Math.floor(rounded / 60)
  let roundedMinutes = rounded % 60

  return (roundedHours + ':' + roundedMinutes)

// Checks time, changes 'times' position
let changeTime = () => {
  let d = new Date(),
    hours = d.getHours(),
    minutes = d.getMinutes();

  // Round time to 15 minutes using function above
  let roundedTime = roundTime(hours, minutes, 15)

  // Find element that matches the current time
  let currentTime = document.querySelectorAll("[data-time='" + roundedTime + "']")[0]

  if (!!currentTime) {
    // Get position of current time element
    let topPos = currentTime.offsetTop

    // Set position of times element from above position
    times.style.transform = "translateY(-" + topPos + "px)";

// Run above on page load
// Create interval to only run every 10 seconds
setInterval(changeTime, 10000);
body {
  background-color: white;
  margin: 0 auto;

.container2 {
  width: 88vw;
  background-color: white;
  height: 13vw;
  position: relative;
  margin: 0 auto;
  margin-top: 20vw;

.container:before {
  width: 88vw;
  height: 13vw;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: black;
  border-width: 5px;
  margin: 0 auto;
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  box-shadow: inset 0 0 20px black;
  pointer-events: none;

.container {
  clip-path: inset(1% 1% 1% 1%);
  clip-path-position: fixed;
  width: 91vw;
  position: relative;
  height: 13.8vw;
  margin: 0 auto;
  overflow: hidden;

#times {
  font-family: "Happy Times at the IKOB";
  text-align: center;
  position: relative;
  font-size: 7.8vw;
  line-height: 4vw;
  margin: 0 auto;
  color: black;
  z-index: -1;
  /* *New* Opacity ease */
  opacity: 0;
  transition: opacity 0.5s ease;
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="assets/clock2.css">


  <div class="container2">
    <div class="container">
      <div id="times">
        <p data-time="0:0">Midnight</p>
        <p data-time="0:15">Twelve fifteen</p>
        <p data-time="0:30">Half past twelve</p>
        <p data-time="0:45">Quarter til one</p>
        <p data-time="1:0">One O'Clock</p>
        <p data-time="1:15">Quarter past one</p>
        <p data-time="1:30">One thirty in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="1:45">One forty-five</p>
        <p data-time="2:0">Two in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="2:15">Quarter past two</p>
        <p data-time="2:30">Half past two</p>
        <p data-time="2:45">Two forty-five</p>
        <p data-time="3:0">Three in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="3:15">Three fifteen</p>
        <p data-time="3:30">Three thirty AM</p>
        <p data-time="3:45">Quarter til four</p>
        <p data-time="4:0">Four in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="4:15">Four fifteen</p>
        <p data-time="4:30">Four thirty AM</p>
        <p data-time="4:45">Four forty five in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="5:0">Five AM</p>
        <p data-time="5:15">Quarter past five</p>
        <p data-time="5:30">Five thirty</p>
        <p data-time="5:45">Five forty five AM</p>
        <p data-time="6:0">Six in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="6:15">Six fifteen in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="6:30">Six thirty AM</p>
        <p data-time="6:45">Quarter til seven</p>
        <p data-time="7:0">Seven in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="7:15">Seven fifteen AM</p>
        <p data-time="7:30">Seven thirty in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="7:45">Seven forty five</p>
        <p data-time="8:0">Eight in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="8:15">Quarter past eight</p>
        <p data-time="8:30">Eight thirty AM</p>
        <p data-time="8:45">Quarter til nine</p>
        <p data-time="9:0">Nine in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="9:15">Nine fifteen</p>
        <p data-time="9:30">Half past nine</p>
        <p data-time="9:45">Nine forty five</p>
        <p data-time="10:0">Ten in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="10:15">Quarter past ten</p>
        <p data-time="10:30">Half past ten</p>
        <p data-time="10:45">Quarter til eleven</p>
        <p data-time="11:0">Eleven in the morning</p>
        <p data-time="11:15">Eleven fifteen</p>
        <p data-time="11:30">Half past eleven</p>
        <p data-time="11:45">Quarter til noon</p>
        <p data-time="12:0">Twelve O'Clock</p>
        <p data-time="12:15">Twelve fifteen</p>
        <p data-time="12:30">Half past twelve</p>
        <p data-time="12:45">Quarter til one</p>
        <p data-time="13:0">One O'Clock</p>
        <p data-time="13:15">Quarter past one</p>
        <p data-time="13:30">One thirty in the afternoon</p>
        <p data-time="13:45">Three forty-five</p>
        <p data-time="14:0">Two in the afternoon</p>
        <p data-time="14:15">Quarter past two</p>
        <p data-time="14:30">Half past two</p>
        <p data-time="14:45">Two forty-five</p>
        <p data-time="15:0">Three in the afternoon</p>
        <p data-time="15:15">Three fifteen</p>
        <p data-time="15:30">Three thirty PM</p>
        <p data-time="15:45">Quarter til four</p>
        <p data-time="16:0">Four in the afternoon</p>
        <p data-time="16:15">Four fifteen</p>
        <p data-time="16:30">Four thirty PM</p>
        <p data-time="16:45">Quarter til five</p>
        <p data-time="17:0">Five PM</p>
        <p data-time="17:15">Quarter past five</p>
        <p data-time="17:30">Five thirty</p>
        <p data-time="17:45">Five forty five PM</p>
        <p data-time="18:0">Six in the evening</p>
        <p data-time="18:15">Quarter past six</p>
        <p data-time="18:30">Six thirty PM</p>
        <p data-time="18:45">Quarter til seven</p>
        <p data-time="19:0">Seven in the evening</p>
        <p data-time="19:15">Seven fifteen</p>
        <p data-time="19:30">Seven thirty in the evening</p>
        <p data-time="19:45">Seven forty five</p>
        <p data-time="20:0">Eight in the evening</p>
        <p data-time="20:15">Quarter past eight</p>
        <p data-time="20:30">Eight thirty at night</p>
        <p data-time="20:45">Quarter til nine</p>
        <p data-time="21:0">Nine at night</p>
        <p data-time="21:15">Nine fifteen</p>
        <p data-time="21:30">Half past nine</p>
        <p data-time="21:45">Nine forty five</p>
        <p data-time="22:0">Ten in the evening</p>
        <p data-time="22:15">Quarter past ten</p>
        <p data-time="22:30">Ten thirty at night</p>
        <p data-time="22:45">Quarter til eleven</p>
        <p data-time="23:0">Eleven O'Clock</p>
        <p data-time="23:15">Eleven fifteen</p>
        <p data-time="23:30">Half past eleven</p>
        <p data-time="23:45">Eleven forty five</p>
  <div id="progress"></div>

  <script type="text/javascript" src="assets/clock2.js"></script>


于 2020-03-10T22:23:23.747 回答