Edit> Auto Surround
is the setting in vscode. But it only applies to quotes and brackets like (), {}, <> and []
(and possibly some other language-defined cases). You cannot change that setting to include another character like $
Here is a keybinding you might try (in keybindings.json):
"key": "alt+4", // or whatever keybinding you wish
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"args": {
// "snippet": "\\$$TM_SELECTED_TEXT\\$"
// to have the text still selected after the $'s are inserted, use this
"snippet": "\\$${1:$TM_SELECTED_TEXT}\\$"
"when": "editorTextFocus && editorHasSelection"
So that any selected text will be wrapped by a $
when you select it and alt+4 (where the $
is on an English keyboard). If you do that operation a lot it might be worth it.
If you use this line instead in the snippet above:
"snippet": "$1$TM_SELECTED_TEXT$1" // or
"snippet": "$1${2:$TM_SELECTED_TEXT}$1"
then more generically select text to surround, trigger that keybinding and type whichever and how many characters you want to wrap the selection.