Poetry has a very good version solver, too good sometimes :) I'm trying to use poetry in a project that uses two incompatible packages. However they are incompatible only by declaration as one of them is no longer developed, but otherwise they work together just fine.

With pip I'm able to install these in one environment (with an error printed) and it works. Poetry will declare that the dependencies versions can't be resolved and refuse to install anything.

Is there a way to force poetry to install these incompatible dependencies? Thank you!


1 回答 1




  • 联系有问题的包的维护者并要求修复+发布
  • 分叉包并自己发布修复
  • 在您的源代码中出售软件包 - 如果它已经存在,则无需安装它,如果不再维护相关项目,出售的许多常见缺点就会消失
  • 使用没有依赖解析器的安装程序手动安装软件包poetry install,例如 pip (这似乎是您已经在做的事情)
于 2020-03-07T15:46:28.813 回答