如标题中所述,如何绘制具有相关值的 data.tree?





# create simple tree
tree <- Node$new("Primary Node")
tree1 <- tree$AddChild("Tree1")
tree2 <- tree$AddChild("Tree2")
tree3 <- tree1$AddChild("Tree3")
tree4 <- tree2$AddChild("Tree4")

# assign value

tree1$value <- 1
tree2$value <- 2
tree3$value <- 3
tree4$value <- 4

# plot tree ## No values reflected


Gilean 尝试了您的解决方案,效果很好,但是,如何让子节点将相同的单词识别为不同的树?以及如何通过字体大小或对齐方式调整单词,使其不会妨碍可视化?


# requires the changing of No to No1, No2 and so forth to prevent it merging into one large node

df <- data.frame(parent = c("Have you ever had your cholesterol  fat levels in your blood  measured by a doctor or other health worker",
                            "Have you ever had your cholesterol  fat levels in your blood  measured by a doctor or other health worker",
                            "Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health worker that you have raised cholesterol",
                            "Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health worker that you have raised cholesterol",
                            "Were you first told in the past 12 months",
                            "Were you first told in the past 12 months",
                            "In the past two weeks have you taken any oral treatment medication for raised total cholesterol prescribed by a doctor or other health worker",
                            "In the past two weeks have you taken any oral treatment medication for raised total cholesterol prescribed by a doctor or other health worker",
                            "Have you ever seen a traditional healer for raised cholesterol",
                            "Have you ever seen a traditional healer for raised cholesterol",
                            "Are you currently taking any herbal or traditional remedy for your raised cholesterol",
                            "Are you currently taking any herbal or traditional remedy for your raised cholesterol"),

                          child = c("No", "Have you ever been told by a doctor or other health worker that you have raised cholesterol", 
                           "No1", "Were you first told in the past 12 months",
                           "No2", "In the past two weeks have you taken any oral treatment medication for raised total cholesterol prescribed by a doctor or other health worker",
                           "No3", "Have you ever seen a traditional healer for raised cholesterol",
                           "No4", "Are you currently taking any herbal or traditional remedy for your raised cholesterol",
                           "No5", "Yes"),

                 value = 1:12)

tree <- graph_from_data_frame(df, directed = TRUE)

plot(tree, vertex.label = V(tree)$name, edge.label = E(tree)$value, layout=layout_as_tree, vertex.size = c(10, E(tree)$value))


1 回答 1




# create simple tree
tree <- Node$new("Primary Node")
tree1 <- tree$AddChild("Tree1")
tree2 <- tree$AddChild("Tree2")
tree3 <- tree1$AddChild("Tree3")
tree4 <- tree2$AddChild("Tree4")

# add edges 
SetEdgeStyle(tree, label = 1)
SetEdgeStyle(tree2, label = 2)
SetEdgeStyle(tree3, label = 3)
SetEdgeStyle(tree4, label = 4)

# plot tree 

igraph您可以创建一个data.frame包含您需要的所有信息的图表,并从这个带有边缘标签的 data.frame 创建一个具有树结构的图表。但是,与data.tree.

df <- data.frame(parent = c("Primary Node", "Primary Node", "Tree1", "Tree2"),
                 child = c("Tree1", "Tree2", "Tree3", "Tree4"),
                 value = 1:4)

tree <- graph_from_data_frame(df, directed = TRUE)

plot(tree, vertex.label = V(tree)$name, edge.label = E(tree)$value, layout=layout_as_tree, vertex.size = c(20, E(tree)$value * 10))
于 2020-03-06T09:18:19.210 回答