
我正在尝试将 EASTL 用于我正在处理的项目,它无法编译,我能找到的唯一错误来自它的“EASTL/initializer_list.h”,我正在使用此文件的最新版本。出现的 2 个错误是 C2953 和另一个告诉我查看其定义的错误。EASTL 会自动禁用包含此文件时出现的所有警告,甚至有自己的定义以在其文件中使用。唯一的问题是这包含了文件的 Windows 版本,它仍然会导致错误,即使它应该包含就好了?我正在使用 C++14,我的平台工具集是 v142(Visual Studio 2019),我的 Windows SDK 版本是 10.0;我知道据说要更新我已经完成的“EA_HAVE_CPP11_INITIALIZER_LIST 定义”,所以不应该


#if defined(EA_HAVE_CPP11_INITIALIZER_LIST) // If the compiler can generate calls to std::initializer_list...

// The initializer_list type must be declared in the std namespace, as that's the 
// namespace the compiler uses when generating code to use it.
#include <initializer_list>


// If you get an error here about initializer_list being already defined, then the         EA_HAVE_CPP11_INITIALIZER_LIST define from <EABase/eahave.h> needs to be updated.
namespace std
    // See the C++11 Standard, section 18.9.
    template<class E>
    class initializer_list
        typedef E         value_type;
        typedef const E& reference;
        typedef const E& const_reference;
        typedef size_t    size_type;
        typedef const E* iterator;             // Must be const, as initializer_list (and its mpArray) is an immutable temp object.
        typedef const E* const_iterator;

        iterator  mpArray;
        size_type mArraySize;

        // This constructor is private, but the C++ compiler has the ability to call it, as per the C++11 Standard.
        initializer_list(const_iterator pArray, size_type arraySize)
            : mpArray(pArray), mArraySize(arraySize) { }

        initializer_list() EA_NOEXCEPT  // EA_NOEXCEPT requires a recent version of EABase.  
            : mpArray(NULL), mArraySize(0) { }

        size_type      size()  const EA_NOEXCEPT { return mArraySize; }
        const_iterator begin() const EA_NOEXCEPT { return mpArray; }            // Must be const_iterator, as initializer_list (and its mpArray) is an immutable temp object.
        const_iterator end()   const EA_NOEXCEPT { return mpArray + mArraySize; }


我尝试让它同时使用该类的 std 版本和该类的 EA 版本,这两者都会导致相同的错误(C2953)。感谢任何帮助,因为我希望能够尽快编译它!


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于 2020-03-05T16:54:34.420 回答