我正在尝试在我的 FreeBASIC 程序中创建一个内部函数,我想在字符串变量“line0”中检查单词“echo”,如果“echo”是字符串的一部分,我希望它回显输入(除了“回声”)
2 回答
BASIC 的Instr
一旦Start = 1
Position = Instr(Start, MyString, MySubString)
Echo asked: What is this echo that echoes in my ear?
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
1 | | | | | |
+4 5 | | | | |
26 | | | |
+4 30 | | |
36 | |
+4 40 |
0 "Not found"
此SkipText函数需要 1 到 3 个参数。第二个和第三个参数是可选的,因为在参数列表中提到了一个默认值。
- param1 是要搜索的字符串(输入)
- param2 是要搜索的字符串
- param3 可以限制移除次数
Declare Function SkipText (a As String, b As String = "", c As Integer = 1) As Integer
Dim As String s
s = "Echo asked: What is this echo that echoes in my ear?"
Print "The function outputs directly"
Print " Unmodified: ";
Print " Modified*1: ";
SkipText(s, "echo", 1)
Print " Modified*2: ";
SkipText(s, "echo", 2)
Print " Modified*3: ";
SkipText(s, "echo", 3)
GetKey ' So you can inspect the output
Function SkipText (a As String, b As String, c As Integer) As Integer
Dim As Integer h, i, j, k
h = IIf(c < 1, 1, c) ' Guard against bogus input
i = 1
j = 1 + Len(a) - Len(b)
Do While i <= j
k = InStr(i, a, b) ' Case-sensitive
If k = 0 Then Exit Do
Print Mid(a, i, k-i);
i = k + Len(b)
h -= 1
If h = 0 Then Exit Do
Print Mid(a, i)
Return 0
End Function
Next SkipText函数需要 1 到 3 个参数。第二个和第三个参数是可选的,因为在参数列表中提到了一个默认值。
- param1 是要搜索的字符串(输入)
- param2 是要搜索的字符串
- param3 可以限制移除次数
如果您尝试了上面的代码片段,您会看到第一个“Echo”,即以大写开头的那个,没有被删除。发生这种情况是因为 FreeBasicInstr
Position = Instr(Start, UCase(MyString), UCase(MySubString))
Declare Function SkipText (a As String, b As String = "", c As Integer = 1) As String
Dim As String s
s = "Echo asked: What is this echo that echoes in my ear?"
Print "The function returns a (reduced) string"
Print " Unmodified: "; SkipText(s)
Print " Modified*1: "; SkipText(s, "echo", 1)
Print " Modified*2: "; SkipText(s, "echo", 2)
Print " Modified*3: "; SkipText(s, "echo", 3)
GetKey ' So you can inspect the output
Function SkipText (a As String, b As String, c As Integer) As String
Dim As String t = ""
Dim As Integer h, i, j, k
h = IIf(c < 1, 1, c) ' Guard against bogus input
i = 1
j = 1 + Len(a) - Len(b)
Do While i <= j
k = InStr(i, UCase(a), UCase(b)) ' Case-insensitive
If k = 0 Then Exit Do
t = t + Mid(a, i, k-i)
i = k + Len(b)
h -= 1
If h = 0 Then Exit Do
Return t + Mid(a, i)
End Function
() 因为这些都是很小的代码片段,所以我没有浪费时间选择合理的标识符。在较长的程序中,您应该始终为任何标识符选择有意义的名称。
() FreeBasic 带有一个很好的、全面的手册。如果有什么不清楚的,请先查阅手册,然后在这个论坛上提问。
答案是,Basic 语言中已经内置了这个任务的功能。
您正在搜索的功能是“INSTR”。请阅读 FreeBasic 的可用文档。如果您决定尝试编写自己的 INSTR 函数(如果您需要内置函数未提供的功能),请尝试编写代码,如果您卡住了,我们会尽力提供帮助。
INSTR ' check if the string is here
LEN ' to know the length of your search string
MID ' to create the 'reduced' output (maybe you will to have it used twice)