命令与实现 ADO 的工具一起使用。
Function MapBasePathToDrive(FullDirectory As String, strDrive As String, blnReadAttr As Boolean) As String
Dim objShell As Object
Dim sCmd$
Dim WaitOnReturn As Boolean: WaitOnReturn = True
Dim WindowStyle As Integer: WindowStyle = 0
Dim i&, lngErr&
' remove backslash for `SUBST` dos command to work
If Right(FullDirectory, 1) = "\" Then FullDirectory = Left(FullDirectory, Len(FullDirectory) - 1)
' prefix & suffix directory with double-quotes
FullDirectory = Chr(34) & FullDirectory & Chr(34)
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
For i = 1 To 2
If i = 1 Then
'remove drive
sCmd = "SUBST" & " " & strDrive & " " & "/D"
lngErr = objShell.Run(sCmd, WindowStyle, WaitOnReturn)
'add drive
sCmd = "SUBST" & " " & strDrive
lngErr = objShell.Run(sCmd & " " & FullDirectory, WindowStyle, WaitOnReturn)
End If
Next i
' remove read-only attribute from Destination folder if you plan to copy files
If blnReadAttr Then
sCmd = "ATTRIB " & "-R" & " " & strDrive & "\*.*" & " " & "/S /D"
lngErr = objShell.Run(sCmd, WindowStyle, WaitOnReturn)
End If
' to refresh explorer to show newly created drive
sCmd = "%windir%\explorer.exe /n,"
lngErr = objShell.Run(sCmd & strDrive, WindowStyle, WaitOnReturn)
' add backslash to drive if absent
MapBasePathToDrive = PathWithBackSlashes(strDrive)
End Function
. 但是,如果一个驱动器(比如 Y:) 已经被映射,那么问题就会随之而来,Application.FileDialog.InitialFilename
我想做的事 :
- 查看相关 Drive eg
是否可用。 - 如果正在使用,
请将 的网络路径分配给下一个免费可用的驱动器。 - 断开连接(删除)
- 分配
我有下面的批处理文件可以做到这一点,但我不知道如何将此批处理代码转换为 VBA 函数,即类似于上面显示的函数。非常感激任何的帮助。
@echo off
if exist y:\ (
for /F "tokens=1,2,3" %%G in ('net use^|Find /I "Y:"^|Find "\\"') do ( net use * %%H >nul 2>&1)
net use y: /delete >nul 2>&1
net use y: \\xx.xx.xx.xx\SomeFolder >nul 2>&1
由于不正确的双引号而没有被 WScript.Shell 执行的字符串。
- 有人可以帮助我使用正确的语法吗?
- 如果它是我需要映射的本地文件夹,语法将如何变化?
Sub TestDriveMapping()
MapBasePathToDrive "\\xx.xx.xx.xx\SomeFolder", "Y:", True
End Sub
Function MapBasePathToDrive(FullDirectory As String, strDrive As String, blnReadAttr As Boolean) As String
Dim objShell As Object
Dim sCmd$
Dim WaitOnReturn As Boolean: WaitOnReturn = True
Dim WindowStyle As Integer: WindowStyle = 0
Dim i&, lngErr&
' remove backslash for `NET USE` dos command to work
If Right(FullDirectory, 1) = "\" Then FullDirectory = Left(FullDirectory, Len(FullDirectory) - 1)
' prefix & suffix directory with double-quotes
FullDirectory = Chr(34) & FullDirectory & Chr(34)
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sCmd = ""
sCmd = "@Echo Off " & vbCrLf
sCmd = sCmd & " IF EXIST " & strDrive & " (" & vbCrLf
sCmd = sCmd & " FOR /F " & Chr(34) & "TOKENS=1,2,3" & Chr(34) & " %G IN (" & Chr(39) & "NET USE ^|Find /I " & Chr(34) & strDrive & Chr(34) & "^|Find ""\\""" & Chr(39) & ") DO ( NET USE * %H >NUL 2>&1)" & vbCrLf
sCmd = sCmd & " NET USE " & strDrive & " /DELETE >NUL 2>&1" & vbCrLf
sCmd = sCmd & " )" & vbCrLf
sCmd = sCmd & " NET USE " & strDrive & " " & FullDirectory & " >NUL 2>&1"
lngErr = objShell.Run(sCmd, WindowStyle, WaitOnReturn)
' remove read-only attribute from Destination folder if you plan to copy files
If blnReadAttr Then
sCmd = "ATTRIB " & "-R" & " " & strDrive & "\*.*" & " " & "/S /D"
lngErr = objShell.Run(sCmd, WindowStyle, WaitOnReturn)
End If
' to refresh explorer to show newly created drive
sCmd = "%windir%\explorer.exe /n,"
lngErr = objShell.Run(sCmd & strDrive, WindowStyle, WaitOnReturn)
' add backslash to drive if absent
MapBasePathToDrive = PathWithBackSlashes(strDrive)
End Function