请说明您使用终端浏览器的原因。你为什么使用 Lynx 或 Elinks?它们如何帮助您进行编程?
7 回答
如果您问我更喜欢哪个以获得更完整的浏览体验,我更喜欢 Elinks。它具有标签式浏览、下载/密码管理和标签式导航(在终端中很方便)。它还(部分)支持 CSS 2.1,(完全)支持框架。它还(部分)支持 JavaScript。没那么重要,但 Elinks 支持的协议比 Lynx 多(我专门使用 Bittorrent 协议)。
如果你问哪个更适合测试纯文本浏览器,Lynx 可能更受欢迎,但 Elinks 在这里也是一个不错的选择。
Quoting from A comparison of text-based browsers. This text contains reviews and screen shots of six text-based browsers.
Lynx does a lot of the things elinks does, and does a fairly quick and clean job doing it.
I found only one options page and it is very easy to navigate. In fact, one of the things I liked best about lynx was it’s flat approach to configuration. Everything is right there, and easy to control.
That being said, lynx probably has the most configuration options at the command line of all the six listed here. Looking over the --help list, it seems like just about anything can be turned on or off … even turning things on or off.
Screen-shot of lynx
Screen-shot of elinks
This is a complement of Nick Presta's answer.
There are ten text-based web browsers listed on Wikipedia. The three most active are:
is the active version oflinks
. Its Git repo is alive (six 0.12 beta versions since July 2008) but last stable release is old (0.11.7 in August 2009).lynx
is a bit more active thanelinks
and last stable release is almost as old (2.8.7rel.2 in June 2010). The RCS/PRCS repository is not public but you can check activity of the lynx-dev mailing list.w3m
can display pictures on xterm and can handle table, cookies, authentication, and almost everything except JavaScript. Last stable release is not so old (0.5.3 in January 2011) but CVS repo is sleeping.
See also findthebest.com that compares software based on their technical data.
While testing these browsers through a proxy (using http_proxy=http://user:pwd@host:port/
) I have been pleased to see that lynx
requested for user
and password
so you can avoid putting them on http_proxy
我将它们用作粗略的视觉隐喻,以说明使用屏幕阅读器的感觉。当我解决可访问性问题时,当我无法访问屏幕阅读器时,我会使用 Lynx 检查页面。
为什么我要使用 Lynx?因为我不知道任何替代方案!
CLI Web 浏览器有时仍然明显快于 GUI 浏览器。
More importantly, they're also more distraction-free (no images, JavaScript, Flash, etc.), in much the same vein as apps like WriteRoom.
Two reasons for using lynx:
- It's a great way to see a lower-level of the HTTP transaction going on with the server (though, of course, you can do this with curl and such tools, but it's a pain to post forms in those tools :-) ).
- I can test whether or not my HTML really holds up to a lesser browsing experience where users have images turned off... I can verify that the ALT tags make sense, etc.
Lynx,因为有时我想在不被 GUI 吸引的情况下查找一些东西。但这些年来它变得越来越不频繁,因为启动 X 的缓慢但稳定增加的开销未能跟上摩尔的死亡行军的性能。
在这一点上,我几乎保持一个 GUI 外壳,甚至不担心它。