public class File {
// The File name.
private String name;
// The date file created.
private String date ;
// The type of file - audio, image, video, doc.
private String type;
// The size of the file - 2MB, 2KB etc.
private String size;
* Create a file
public File(String Filename)
name = Filename;
date = ("MM/dd/yyyy");
type = ();
size = ();
* Return the name of a File.
public String getName()
return name;
* Update system number when called to the output terminal
public void Systemnumber ()
if(name.Filename() == 0) { // it jus rolled over !
* Print File description to the output terminal
public void updateDisplay ()
public String s = String.format ("%02d", i); // gives you "001"
for (int i = 001; i < 1000; i++) {String sequence = String.format("%02d", i); }
return (i + "", '$this.Name + " " + $this.date + " " + $this.type + " " +$this.size; }
* This method is called everytime Increment the return value one, rolling over to zeor if the limit is reached
public void updateDisplay ()
{ displayString = name.
value = (value +1) % limit;