我在 vm 上设置了 ocserv,但是当尝试通过 openconnect 应用程序连接时遇到这些错误,如果有任何解决方案,尝试各种 ocserv 配置文件修改但未成功,这将很有帮助
` Disconnected
STAT: attempt=O; first-NEVER; prev=NEVER
STAT: connect=o; first-NE-VER; prev=NEVER
STAT: cancel=o; first=NEVER; prev=NEVER
LIB: POST https://<IP/hostname>/
L1B: Attempting to connect to server <IP/hostname>
LIB: Connected to <IP :443/hostname>
LIB: SSL negotiation with <IP/hostname>
L1B: Server certificate verify failed: certificate does not match hostname CALLBACK: onValidatePeerCert
LIB: SSI- connection failure: The operation timed out
LIB: Failed to open HTTPS connection to <IP/hostname>
Error obtaining cookie
VPN terminated with errors`
更新::: 经过一些更改,这是我得到的当前错误,设置说明:Vm 安装了 debian 9 并安装了 ocserv,还安装了证书。尝试使用 openconnect android 应用程序连接,设备启用了低速移动数据。
STAT: attempt=O; first-NEVER; prev=NEVER
STAT: connect=o; first-NE-VER; prev=NEVER
STAT: cancel=o; first=NEVER; prev=NEVER
LIB: POST https://<IP/hostname>/
L1B: Attempting to connect to server <IP/hostname>
LIB: Connected to <IP :443/hostname>
L1B: SSL_negotiation with <IP/hostname>
L1B: SSL_connection failure: The operation timed out
L1B: Failed to open HTTPS connection to <IP/hostname>
Error obtaining cookie
VPN terminated with errors
他们有任何 SSL 问题吗?还是我需要将第 3 方 SSL 提供给 ocserv,如果需要,如何将第 3 方 SSL 安装到 ocserv。