我一直在阅读关于列宽的 setw,但是为每个列设置宽度似乎并没有对齐最后两列。我尝试过使用右对齐,但是它也改变了左两列的对齐方式,这是我不想要的。最后,我希望一切都保持对齐。除了 setw 之外,还有更简单的方法吗?
void print_head()
cout << setw(16) << "Operation"
<< setw(32) << "z"
<< setw(8) << "Cost"
<< setw(8) << "Total" << endl;
for (int i=0; i<64; ++i) cout << "-";
cout << endl;
cout << setw(16) << "Initial String"
<< setw(32) << test1
<< setw(8) << "0"
<< setw(8) << "0" << endl;
for (int g = minops[0] + minops[1] - 1;g>-1;g--){
string a;
for(stringstream ss(operations[g]); getline(ss, a, ','); ) // that's all !
//cout << v[current] << "\n";
if (v[current] == "c"){
z = sright(z, cursorg);
cout << setw(16) << "right"
<< setw(32) << z
<< setw(8) << "0"
<< setw(8) << tcost << endl;
}else if (v[current] == "d"){
z = sdelete(z, cursorg);
size = size - 1;
tcost = tcost + 2;
cout << setw(16) << "delete"
<< setw(32) << z
<< setw(8) << "2"
<< setw(8) << tcost << endl;
//cout << "cursor out of delete: " << cursorg << "\n";
current = current + 2;
}else if (v[current] == "r"){
z = sreplace(z, cursorg, test2, stoi(v[current+1]), stoi(v[current+2]));
int printtemp = stoi(v[current+2]);
string s(1,test2[printtemp]);
string tempstr = "replace by " + s;
tcost = tcost + 4;
cout << setw(16) << tempstr
<< setw(32) << z
<< setw(8) << "4"
<< setw(8) << tcost << endl;
current = current + 3;
}else if (v[current] == "i"){
z = sinsert(z, test2, cursorg, stoi(v[current+1]));
size = size - 1;
tcost = tcost + 3;
int printtemp = stoi(v[current+1]);
string s(1,test2[printtemp]);
string tempstr = "insert " + s;
cout << setw(16) << tempstr
<< setw(32) << z
<< setw(8) << "3"
<< setw(8) << tcost << endl;
current = current + 2;
//cout << operations[g] << "\n";
//cout << "z is: " << z << "\n";
cout << "\n";
cout << "minimum operations is: " << minops[0] << "\n";
这是我当前的输出,但是我希望成本和总成本成为标题下整齐对齐的列。如何使用 setw 来修复对齐?
string sdelete(string input, int &cursor){ //deletes the letter under the cursor, cost 2
if (cursor == (input.length() + 1)){
//do nothing
input[cursor] = NULL;
cursor = cursor+1;
//DEBUG cout << "delete input: " << input << "\n";
//DEBUG cout << "cursor in delete: " << cursor << "\n";
return input;