问:Lancaster 应该是“激进的”词干提取器,但它与replied
. 为什么?
这是因为在https://github.com/nltk/nltk/pull/1654中改进了 Lancaster 词干分析器的实现
如果我们看一下https://github.com/nltk/nltk/blob/develop/nltk/stem/lancaster.py#L62,有一个后缀规则,要更改-ied > -y
default_rule_tuple = (
"ai*2.", # -ia > - if intact
"a*1.", # -a > - if intact
"bb1.", # -bb > -b
"city3s.", # -ytic > -ys
"ci2>", # -ic > -
"cn1t>", # -nc > -nt
"dd1.", # -dd > -d
"dei3y>", # -ied > -y
地方https://github.com/nltk/nltk/blob/develop/nltk/stem/lancaster。 py#L196rule_tuple
def parseRules(self, rule_tuple=None):
"""Validate the set of rules used in this stemmer.
If this function is called as an individual method, without using stem
method, rule_tuple argument will be compiled into self.rule_dictionary.
If this function is called within stem, self._rule_tuple will be used.
# If there is no argument for the function, use class' own rule tuple.
rule_tuple = rule_tuple if rule_tuple else self._rule_tuple
valid_rule = re.compile("^[a-z]+\*?\d[a-z]*[>\.]?$")
# Empty any old rules from the rule set before adding new ones
self.rule_dictionary = {}
for rule in rule_tuple:
if not valid_rule.match(rule):
raise ValueError("The rule {0} is invalid".format(rule))
first_letter = rule[0:1]
if first_letter in self.rule_dictionary:
self.rule_dictionary[first_letter] = [rule]
实际上来自paice-husk 词干分析器的嗖嗖实现,也就是 Lancaster 词干分析器https://github.com/nltk/nltk/pull/1661 =)
问:在 Porter 中,In 还是大写的 In,为什么?
>>> from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
>>> porter = PorterStemmer()
>>> porter.stem('In')
def stem(self, word):
stem = word.lower()
if self.mode == self.NLTK_EXTENSIONS and word in self.pool:
return self.pool[word]
if self.mode != self.ORIGINAL_ALGORITHM and len(word) <= 2:
# With this line, strings of length 1 or 2 don't go through
# the stemming process, although no mention is made of this
# in the published algorithm.
return word
stem = self._step1a(stem)
stem = self._step1b(stem)
stem = self._step1c(stem)
stem = self._step2(stem)
stem = self._step3(stem)
stem = self._step4(stem)
stem = self._step5a(stem)
stem = self._step5b(stem)
return stem
小写的 ,但是有两个 if 子句返回某种形式的原始word
if self.mode == self.NLTK_EXTENSIONS and word in self.pool:
return self.pool[word]
if self.mode != self.ORIGINAL_ALGORITHM and len(word) <= 2:
# With this line, strings of length 1 or 2 don't go through
# the stemming process, although no mention is made of this
# in the published algorithm.
return word
第一个 if 子句检查单词是否在self.pool
<= 2,然后返回它的原始形式,在“In”的情况下,第二个 if 子句返回 True,因此返回原始的非小写形式。
问:请注意,Lancaster 正在删除以“来”结尾的单词e
https://github.com/nltk/nltk/blob/develop/nltk/stem/lancaster.py#L67,有一条规则会改变-e > -
问:如何禁用-e > -
对象是一个不可变的元组,所以我们不能简单地从中删除一个项目,但我们可以覆盖它 =)
>>> from nltk.stem import LancasterStemmer
>>> lancaster = LancasterStemmer()
>>> lancaster.stem('came')
# Create a new stemmer object to refresh the cache.
>>> lancaster = LancasterStemmer()
>>> temp_rule_list = list(lancaster._rule_tuple)
# Find the 'e1>' rule.
>>> lancaster._rule_tuple.index('e1>')
# Create a temporary rule list from the tuple.
>>> temp_rule_list = list(lancaster._rule_tuple)
# Remove the rule.
>>> temp_rule_list.pop(12)
# Override the `._rule_tuple` variable.
>>> lancaster._rule_tuple = tuple(temp_rule_list)
# Et voila!
>>> lancaster.stem('came')