I'd suggest you referring to the appropriate part of the project reactor's documentation.

takeUntilOther(Publisher<?> other)
Relay values from this Flux until the given Publisher emits.
Meaning, you will be receiving values from the original Flux until given Publisher<?> other
starts producing events. In your case, you have a hot publisher just()
that interrupts the original Flux immediately (by calling cancel()
I will give you one more example. Have a look at the following code snippet:
Flux.range(1, 5) // produces elements from 1 to 5
.delayElements(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) // delays emission of each element from above for 1 second
.just(10) // hot publisher. emits one element
// delays '10' for 3 seconds. meaning that it will only
// appears in the original Flux in 3 seconds
The output is: