我们正在努力实现自动化部署,我对使用 MSdeploy 帮助我们实现这一目标感到非常兴奋。不幸的是,我一直没有运气让 MS deploy 与 VS2010 一起工作,我即将放弃。
我们的 Win 2008 服务器在数据中心,我有防火墙和 MS 正确部署远程服务和 IIS 管理服务设置: http ://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/516/configure-the-web-deployment -处理程序/
我已经设置了 IIS 管理器用户并检查了所有内容,我可以考虑一下。如果我使用 IIS 远程管理,我什至可以从我们的开发环境进行连接。但是,当我从 VS 2010 发布时,我得到:
Error 1 Web deployment task failed.(Could not connect to the destination computer ("x.x.x.x"). On the destination computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("The Web Management Service") is started.)
The requested resource does not exist, or the requested URL is incorrect.
Error details:
Could not connect to the destination computer ("x.x.x.x"). On the destination computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that the required process ("The Web Management Service") is started.
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. 0 0 UI