所以我找到了如何使用下面显示的代码通过视图/视图槽动态构建和创建 Aurelia 自定义元素,但是,我不知道如何获取它的实例(我找到了一种方法,但它很难看)
这是我必须动态创建自定义元素的 util 服务
export class AureliaUtilService {
private container: Container,
private viewCompiler: ViewCompiler,
private viewResources: ViewResources,
) { }
createAureliaViewModelAddToSlot(templateUrl: string, bindableData: any, targetElement?: HTMLElement | Element, clearTargetContent = false): AureliaViewOutput | null {
const viewFactory = this.viewCompiler.compile('<template><compose view-model.bind="template"></compose></template>', this.viewResources);
if (targetElement) {
if (clearTargetContent && targetElement.innerHTML) {
targetElement.innerHTML = '';
// Creates a view
const view = viewFactory.create(this.container);
const bindings: any = { template: (templateUrl || ''), ...bindableData };
view.bind(bindings, createOverrideContext(bindings));
// Add the view to the slot
const viewSlot = new ViewSlot(targetElement, true);
if (viewSlot && viewSlot.add) {
return { view, viewSlot };
return null;
const targetElm = document.querySelector('.container');
const templateUrl = PLATFORM.moduleName('custom-element');
const bindings = { collection: this.collection };
const dynamicElement = this.aureliaUtilService.createAureliaViewModelAddToSlot(templateUrl, bindings, targetElm, true);
// first I somehow need to wait the dynamically created Custom Element to fully rendered
// for that I found that I can wrap it in a setTimeout for a full lifecycle to pass
const instance = dynamicElement.view.children[0].children[0].container.viewModel;
// now I can change any of its properties
instance.selectedId = 123;
// I also need to watch for a property changes
// I found that I can do it this way
instance.selectedItemChanged = (item => console.log('item changed', item));