protocol A {
var uuid: Int { get } // This is the secret sauce. It will contain a unique UUID, associated with the instance.
func AFunc() -> String
class APrime: A {
let uuid: Int = Int.random(in: 0..<1000) // The UUID is initialized with the instance.
func AFunc() -> String { "I AM GROOT" }
let variableA = APrime()
let variableB = APrime()
let variableC = variableA
func compareTypes(_ inA: A, _ inB: A) -> String {
if inA.uuid == inB.uuid { // We compare UUIDs.
return ""
return "not "
print("C is \(compareTypes(variableC, variableB))B.")
print("C is \(compareTypes(variableC, variableA))A.")
“uuid”变量通常是一个实际的UUID类型,但我不想在示例中导入 Foundation,所以我只是做了一个简单的 rand。它明白了这一点。
C is not B.
C is A.
protocol B {
func BFunc() -> String
func amIThisOne(_ instanceToCompare: B) -> Bool // This is an identity comparator
class BPrime: B {
func BFunc() -> String { "I AM GROOT'S BROTHER" }
// We compare ourselves against the other instance, assuming it can be cast to our own type.
func amIThisOne(_ inInstanceToCompare: B) -> Bool {
guard let instanceToCompare = inInstanceToCompare as? Self else { return false }
return self === instanceToCompare
let variableD = BPrime()
let variableE = BPrime()
let variableF = variableD
print("D is \(variableE.amIThisOne(variableD) ? "" : "not ")E.")
print("D is \(variableD.amIThisOne(variableF) ? "" : "not ")F.")
D is not E.
D is F.
然后,当然,如果我们可以控制实例,我们就可以真正做到 Equatable 的事情(这需要操场导入 Foundation):
protocol C: Equatable {
func CFunc() -> String
class CPrime: C {
// This is actually not what I want, as I want to compare protocols, not conforming classes.
static func == (lhs: CPrime, rhs: CPrime) -> Bool {
guard let lhs = lhs as? Self else { return false }
guard let rhs = rhs as? Self else { return false }
return lhs === rhs
func CFunc() -> String { "I AM GROOT'S UDDER BROTHER" }
let variableG = CPrime()
let variableH = CPrime()
let variableI = variableG
print("G is \(variableG == variableH ? "" : "not ")H.")
print("G is \(variableI == variableG ? "" : "not ")I.")
G is not H.
G is I.