I used the code from r-graph-gallery.com that i adapted to my data.
I would like to do 6 boxplots in one graph and order them in a specific order, but then as I am doing the ordering, the tukey analysis doesn't order itself at the same time with it !
Do you know how I can improve it ?
This is the wrong order but the right tukey test representation :
And here the one that has the right order but not the right tukey test repartition.
What should I do to get the right order for the TUKEY test as well ?
By the way does anyone knows how to get the "a" value for the highest mean of the tukey test and not the "c" ?
Thank you for your help !
Here is the code I used :
date<- (read.delim("SoilOBIoldtd.txt", header=TRUE))
# library
# What is the effect of the level on the CEC ?
model=lm( date$CEC_eff ~ date$level )
# Tukey test to study each pair of level :
TUKEY <- TukeyHSD(x=ANOVA, 'date$level', conf.level=0.95)
#This line is the difference between the two plots (using or ignoring this line)
date$level <- factor(date$level , levels=c("DAFS_Top", "DAFS_Down",
# Tuckey test representation :
plot(TUKEY , las=1 , col="brown")
generate_label_df <- function(TUKEY, CEC_eff){
# Extract labels and factor levels from Tukey post-hoc
Tukey.levels <- TUKEY[[CEC_eff]][,4]
Tukey.labels <- data.frame(multcompLetters(Tukey.levels,reversed = FALSE)['Letters'])
#I need to put the labels in the same order as in the boxplot :
Tukey.labels=Tukey.labels[order(Tukey.labels$level) , ]
# Apply the function on my dataset
LABELS <- generate_label_df(TUKEY , "date$level")
# A panel of colors to draw each group with the same color :
my_colors <- c( rgb(143,199,74,maxColorValue = 255), rgb(242,104,34,maxColorValue = 255), rgb(111,145,202,maxColorValue = 255))
# Draw the basic boxplot
a <-boxplot(date$CEC_eff ~ date$level , ylim=c(min(date$CEC_eff ) , 1.1*max(date$CEC_eff)) , col=my_colors[as.numeric(LABELS[,1])] , ylab="CEC" , main="")
# I want to write the letter over each box. Over is how high I want to write it.
over <- 0.1*max( a$stats[nrow(a$stats),] )
#Add the labels
text( c(1:nlevels(date$level)) , a$stats[nrow(a$stats),]+over , LABELS[,1] , col=my_colors[as.numeric(LABELS[,1])] )