您可以使用我制作的 TCP CSharpServer,实现起来非常简单,只需在您的一个类上实现 IClientRequest 即可。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace cSharpServer
public interface IClientRequest
/// <summary>
/// this needs to be set, otherwise the server will not beable to handle the request.
/// </summary>
byte IdType { get; set; } // This is used for Execution.
/// <summary>
/// handle the process by the client.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
/// <param name="client"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
byte[] Process(BinaryBuffer data, Client client);
BinaryBuffer 让你读取发送到服务器的数据真的很容易。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace cSharpServer
public class BinaryBuffer
private const string Str0001 = "You are at the End of File!";
private const string Str0002 = "You are Not Reading from the Buffer!";
private const string Str0003 = "You are Currenlty Writing to the Buffer!";
private const string Str0004 = "You are Currenlty Reading from the Buffer!";
private const string Str0005 = "You are Not Writing to the Buffer!";
private const string Str0006 = "You are trying to Reverse Seek, Unable to add a Negative value!";
private bool _inRead;
private bool _inWrite;
private List<byte> _newBytes;
private int _pointer;
public byte[] ByteBuffer;
public override string ToString()
return Helper.DefaultEncoding.GetString(ByteBuffer, 0, ByteBuffer.Length);
public BinaryBuffer(string data)
: this(Helper.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(data))
public BinaryBuffer()
public BinaryBuffer(byte[] data)
: this(ref data)
public BinaryBuffer(ref byte[] data)
ByteBuffer = data;
public void IncrementPointer(int add)
if (add < 0)
throw new Exception(Str0006);
_pointer += add;
if (EofBuffer())
throw new Exception(Str0001);
public int GetPointer()
return _pointer;
public static string GetString(ref byte[] buffer)
return Helper.DefaultEncoding.GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
public static string GetString(byte[] buffer)
return GetString(ref buffer);
public void BeginWrite()
if (_inRead)
throw new Exception(Str0004);
_inWrite = true;
_newBytes = new List<byte>();
public void Write(float value)
if (!_inWrite)
throw new Exception(Str0005);
public void Write(byte value)
if (!_inWrite)
throw new Exception(Str0005);
public void Write(int value)
if (!_inWrite)
throw new Exception(Str0005);
public void Write(long value)
if (!_inWrite)
throw new Exception(Str0005);
byte[] byteArray = new byte[8];
fixed (byte* bytePointer = byteArray)
*((long*)bytePointer) = value;
public int UncommitedLength()
return _newBytes == null ? 0 : _newBytes.Count;
public void WriteField(string value)
public void Write(string value)
if (!_inWrite)
throw new Exception(Str0005);
byte[] byteArray = Helper.DefaultEncoding.GetBytes(value);
public void Write(decimal value)
if (!_inWrite)
throw new Exception(Str0005);
int[] intArray = decimal.GetBits(value);
public void SetInt(int value, int pos)
byte[] byteInt = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
for (int i = 0; i < byteInt.Length; i++)
_newBytes[pos + i] = byteInt[i];
public void SetLong(long value, int pos)
byte[] byteInt = BitConverter.GetBytes(value);
for (int i = 0; i < byteInt.Length; i++)
_newBytes[pos + i] = byteInt[i];
public void Write(byte[] value)
Write(ref value);
public void Write(ref byte[] value)
if (!_inWrite)
throw new Exception(Str0005);
public void EndWrite()
if (ByteBuffer != null)
_newBytes.InsertRange(0, ByteBuffer);
ByteBuffer = _newBytes.ToArray();
_newBytes = null;
_inWrite = false;
public void EndRead()
_inRead = false;
_pointer = 0;
public void BeginRead()
if (_inWrite)
throw new Exception(Str0003);
_inRead = true;
_pointer = 0;
public byte ReadByte()
if (!_inRead)
throw new Exception(Str0002);
if (EofBuffer())
throw new Exception(Str0001);
return ByteBuffer[_pointer++];
public int ReadInt()
if (!_inRead)
throw new Exception(Str0002);
if (EofBuffer(4))
throw new Exception(Str0001);
int startPointer = _pointer;
_pointer += 4;
return BitConverter.ToInt32(ByteBuffer, startPointer);
public float[] ReadFloatArray()
float[] dataFloats = new float[ReadInt()];
for (int i = 0; i < dataFloats.Length; i++)
dataFloats[i] = ReadFloat();
return dataFloats;
public float ReadFloat()
if (!_inRead)
throw new Exception(Str0002);
if (EofBuffer(sizeof(float)))
throw new Exception(Str0001);
int startPointer = _pointer;
_pointer += sizeof(float);
return BitConverter.ToSingle(ByteBuffer, startPointer);
public decimal ReadDecimal()
if (!_inRead)
throw new Exception(Str0002);
if (EofBuffer(16))
throw new Exception(Str0001);
return new decimal(new[] { ReadInt(),
public long ReadLong()
if (!_inRead)
throw new Exception(Str0002);
if (EofBuffer(8))
throw new Exception(Str0001);
int startPointer = _pointer;
_pointer += 8;
return BitConverter.ToInt64(ByteBuffer, startPointer);
public string ReadString(int size)
return Helper.DefaultEncoding.GetString(ReadByteArray(size), 0, size);
public byte[] ReadByteArray(int size)
if (!_inRead)
throw new Exception(Str0002);
if (EofBuffer(size))
throw new Exception(Str0001);
byte[] newBuffer = new byte[size];
Array.Copy(ByteBuffer, _pointer, newBuffer, 0, size);
_pointer += size;
return newBuffer;
public bool EofBuffer(int over = 1)
return ByteBuffer == null || ((_pointer + over) > ByteBuffer.Length);
完整项目位于 GitHub CSharpServer