所以我正在尝试使用 GDAL nuget 包将 kml 文件转换为 mapinfo 选项卡层。我的代码可以使用 gdal 将 kml 转换为 geojson,但是每当我尝试转换为 MapInfo Tab 时,它都会失败并出现错误: CreateFeature() failed: invalid feature id 1 on the CopyLayer line of code。
var sourcePath = @"C:\Temp\gdal\sample.kml";
var destPath = @"C:\Temp\gdal\tab\";
var destPathJ = @"C:\Temp\gdal\tab\sample.geojson";
var files = Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(destPath));
foreach(var file in files) {
using (var kmlDriver = Ogr.GetDriverByName("KML")) {
using (var kmlDatasource = Ogr.Open(sourcePath, 0)) {
if (kmlDatasource != null) {
Debug.WriteLine($"layers {kmlDatasource.GetLayerCount()}");
var kmlLayer = kmlDatasource.GetLayerByIndex(0);
Debug.WriteLine($"features {kmlLayer.GetFeatureCount(0)}");
using (var tabDriver = Ogr.GetDriverByName("MapInfo File")) {
if (tabDriver != null) {
using (var tabDatasource = tabDriver.CreateDataSource(destPath, new string[] { "FORMAT=TAB", "SPACIAL_INDEX_MODE=OPTIMIZED", "BLOCKSIZE=512" })) {
if (tabDatasource != null) {
tabDatasource.CopyLayer(kmlLayer, "test", new string[] { "DESCRIPTION=test", "BOUNDS=-180,-90,180,90" });
//using (var jsonDriver = Ogr.GetDriverByName("GeoJSON")) {
// if (jsonDriver != null) {
// using (var jsonDatasource = jsonDriver.CreateDataSource(destPathJ, Array.Empty<string>())) {
// if (jsonDatasource != null) {
// jsonDatasource.CopyLayer(kmlLayer, kmlLayer.GetName(), Array.Empty<string>());
// }
// }
// }
选项卡输出正在输出文件夹中创建 .dat、.map、.tab 和 .id 文件,尽管它们不起作用。