The following problem needs to be solved: I try to create a component within an ember addon, that's using sass. Within my addon I don't want to compile that scss files, that should be done within my project using ember-cli-sass and ember-css-modules-sass. The component I'm creating in my addon is also using sass modules, but I didn't install the ember packages for this, because I do that in my project.

I run into the problem, that when I try to serve my ember application from my project directory, I get the error that within my addon an imported scss file is unreadable or not there.

What am I doing wrong? Thank you very much!


1 回答 1


将 Sass文件添加到/app/styles/. /addon/styles这样它们将与主机应用程序合并。

于 2021-12-10T22:39:30.323 回答