
有些路线我没有指定任何 DTO。因此,我想为该端点手动添加请求正文。


export class UsersController {

  constructor(private readonly service: UsersService) {}

  async findAll() {
    const data = await this.service.findAll();

    return {
      statusCode: 200,
      message: 'Users retrieved successfully',



    name: 'email',
    type: 'string'
    name: 'password',
    type: 'string'

  async login(@Request() req) {
    return this.authService.login(req.user);

3 回答 3


对于端点摘要,您可以使用@ApiOperation(). 对于架构,您可以使用@ApiResponse()

@ApiOperation({ summary: 'summary goes here' })
@ApiResponse({ status: 200, description: 'description goes here', schema: { ...define schema here... } })
async findAll() {}

从此处的文档中阅读有关原始定义的更多信息: https ://docs.nestjs.com/recipes/swagger#raw-definitions

于 2020-02-10T02:30:52.570 回答

我建议为您的所有端点(resp 和 req)创建一个 DTO。

以下是使用 DTO + @ApiProperty 装饰器向架构添加摘要的方法(在屏幕截图中,单击红色圈出的区域中的“架构”)

    import { ApiProperty } from '@nestjs/swagger';

    export class ExampleRedditDTO {
            type: String,
            description: "The target subreddit"
        targetSub!: string;

            type: Number,
            description: "The number of top posts you want back"
        postCount!: number;
于 2020-06-17T15:31:43.197 回答

我想这可以更多地被视为参考,因为在寻找 Swagger/OpenAPI 的说明时会出现这篇文章。

我已经设置了一个示例 repo,它显示了基本用法。你可以在这里找到它:https ://gitlab.com/WaldemarLehner/nestjs-swagger-example


使用@ApiOperation-Decorator 定义 Endpoint-Description。

@ApiOperation({description: "This is the main Description of an Endpoint."})


首先,请注意您有一个 GET-Endpoint。因此,对该端点的任何请求都不能有请求正文

所以..假设您使用允许请求主体(如 POST)的 HTTP 方法,您可以使用@ApiBody-Decorator。

在这里,您可以定义 Body-Summary、Schema(使用OpenAPI-Schema Object)或 Type(Schema 是从 Class 及其装饰器中推断出来的)。

    type: PostHelloBodyDTO,
    description: "The Description for the Post Body. Please look into the DTO. You will see the @ApiOptionalProperty used to define the Schema.",
    examples: {
        a: {
            summary: "Empty Body",
            description: "Description for when an empty body is used",
            value: {} as PostHelloBodyDTO
        b: {
            summary: "Hello Body",
            description: "Hello is used as the greeting",
            value: {greeting: "Hello"} as PostHelloBodyDTO


使用以下装饰将产生如下所示的 Swagger-Document。

@ApiOperation({description: "This is the main Description of an Endpoint."})
/// Request Documentation
    name: "name",
    description: "This Decorator specifies the documentation for a specific Parameter, in this case the <b>name</b> Param.",
    allowEmptyValue: false,
    examples: {
        a: {
            summary: "Name is Pete",
            description: "Pete can be provided as a name. See how it becomes a selectable option in the dropdown",
            value: "Pete"
        b: {
            summary: "Name is Joe",
            value: "Joe"
    name: "useExclamation",
    description: "This is the description of a query argument. In this instance, we have a boolean value.",
    type: Boolean,
    required: false // This value is optional
    type: PostHelloBodyDTO,
    description: "The Description for the Post Body. Please look into the DTO. You will see the @ApiOptionalProperty used to define the Schema.",
    examples: {
        a: {
            summary: "Empty Body",
            description: "Description for when an empty body is used",
            value: {} as PostHelloBodyDTO
        b: {
            summary: "Hello Body",
            description: "Hello is used as the greeting",
            value: {greeting: "Hello"} as PostHelloBodyDTO

/// Response Documentation
    description: "This description defines when a 200 (OK) is returned. For @Get-Annotated Endpoints this is always present. When, for example, using a @Post-Endpoint, a 201 Created is always present",
    schema: {
        type: "string",
        example: "Hello, Pete!"
        // For instructions on how to set a Schema, please refer to https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#schema-object-examples
    description: "This description is for a 400 response. It is returned when additional query params are passed, or when the <b>useExclamation</b>-Argument could not be parsed as a boolean."
    status: 417,
    description: "One can also provided a Status-Code directly, as seen here"
public postHello(...){...}


生成的 OpenAPI/Swagger 文档

于 2021-12-03T13:45:09.543 回答