我已经安装了 log4js npm 并尝试将记录器实现到我的节点 api...我第一次尝试使用 log4js。代码:
var log4js = require('log4js'); // include log4js
log4js.configure({ // configure to use all types in different files.
appenders: [
{ type: 'file',
filename: "/logs/error.log", // specify the path where u want logs folder error.log
category: 'error',
maxLogSize: 20480,
backups: 10
{ type: "file",
filename: "/logs/info.log", // specify the path where u want logs folder info.log
category: 'info',
maxLogSize: 20480,
backups: 10
{ type: 'file',
filename: "/logs/debug.log", // specify the path where u want logs folder debug.log
category: 'debug',
maxLogSize: 20480,
backups: 10
var loggerinfo = log4js.getLogger('info'); // initialize the var to use.
var loggererror = log4js.getLogger('error'); // initialize the var to use.
var loggerdebug = log4js.getLogger('debug'); // initialize the var to use.
loggerinfo.info('This is Information Logger');
loggererror.info('This is Error Logger');
loggerdebug.info('This is Debugger');
****throw new Error(`Problem with log4js configuration: (${util.inspect(config, { depth: 5 })})`
Error: Problem with log4js configuration: ({ appenders:
[ { type: 'file',
filename: '/logs/error.log',
category: 'error',
maxLogSize: 20480,
backups: 10 },
{ type: 'file',
filename: '/logs/info.log',
category: 'info',
maxLogSize: 20480,
backups: 10 },
{ type: 'file',
filename: '/logs/debug.log',
category: 'debug',
maxLogSize: 20480,
backups: 10 } ] }) - must have a property "appenders" of type object.****
我已经使用 cmd node log4js.js(这个文件名)在我的应用程序中运行了一个 log4js 示例代码,请帮助我......