我是 Linux n00b,我想安装 SciPy 来帮助我完成家庭作业。
我一直在指导自己使用从 sourceforge 获得的 INSTALL.txt 文件,该文件说
SciPy requires the following software installed:
1) Python__ 2.4.x or newer
Debian packages: python python-dev
Make sure that the Python package distutils is installed before
continuing. For example, in Debian GNU/Linux, distutils is included
in the python-dev package.
Python must also be compiled with the zlib module enabled.
__ http://www.python.org
2) NumPy__ 1.2.0 or newer
Debian package: python-numpy
__ http://www.numpy.org/
3) Complete LAPACK__ library (see NOTES 1, 2, 3)
Debian/Ubuntu packages (g77): atlas3-base atlas3-base-dev
Various SciPy packages do linear algebra computations using the LAPACK
routines. SciPy's setup.py scripts can use number of different LAPACK
library setups, including optimized LAPACK libraries such as ATLAS__ or
the Accelerate/vecLib framework on OS X. The notes below give
more information on how to prepare the build environment so that
SciPy's setup.py scripts can use whatever LAPACK library setup one has.
__ http://www.netlib.org/lapack/
__ http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/
通过 Synaptic 包管理器,我下载了所有这些 + IPython。
第一个问题:通过这个链接引导自己,我用 scipy 下载了 sourceforge .tar 文件。
我在 /home/antonio/Desktop/Downloads 上提取了它的内容
jajaja:/home/antonio/Desktop/Downloads# cd scipy-?.?.?
jajaja:/home/antonio/Desktop/Downloads/scipy-0.7.0# setup.py build
bash: setup.py: command not found
^ 为什么??
为什么会出现command not found?我应该在其他地方提取 .tar 文件的内容吗?