想要创建名为 Friendship 的实体并想要利用属于 Jhipster 的 User 实体,但我不断收到这个无效关系错误(下面的完整错误)。
entity UserExtended {
entity Friend{
status Boolean,
modified LocalDate,
created LocalDate
relationship OneToOne {
UserExtended{user(login)} to User
relationship OneToMany {
UserExtended{friends} to Friend{user}
relationship ManyToOne {
UserExtended{friend} to UserExtended{users}
entity Post {
owner UserExtended,
content String,
dateCreated LocalDate
entity Like {
likedBy UserExtended,
post Post,
dateCreated LocalDate
entity Comment {
postedBy UserExtended,
post Post,
dateCreated LocalDate
relationship OneToMany {
UserExtended{post} to Post{user}
relationship OneToMany {
Like{post} to Post{like}
relationship OneToMany {
Comment{post} to Post{comment}
Error: Can't add invalid relationship. Error: In the Many-to-One relationship from UserExtended to UserExtended, only unidirectionality is supported, you should either create a bidirectional One-to-Many relationship or remove the injected field in the destination entity instead.
Error while parsing applications and entities from the JDL Error: Can't add invalid relationship. Error: In the Many-to-One relationship from UserExtended to UserExtended, only unidirectionality is supported, you should either create a bidirectional One-to-Many relationship or remove the injected field in the destination entity instead.
Error: Can't add invalid relationship. Error: In the Many-to-One relationship from UserExtended to UserExtended, only unidirectionality is supported, you should either create a bidirectional One-to-Many relationship or remove the injected field in the destination entity instead.